// ACME platform: everything you need to develop and ship improvements to // the ACME clothing store. package acme import ( "dagger.cloud/dagger" ) let alpine={ digest: "sha256:3c7497bf0c7af93428242d6176e8f7905f2201d8fc5861f45be7a346b5f23436" package: [string]: true | false | string #dagger: compute: [ { do: "fetch-container" ref: "index.docker.io/alpine@\(digest)" }, for pkg, info in package { if (info & true) != _|_ { do: "exec" args: ["apk", "add", "-U", "--no-cache", pkg] } if (info & string) != _|_ { do: "exec" args: ["apk", "add", "-U", "--no-cache", "\(pkg)\(info)"] } }, ] } www: { source: dagger.#Dir // List the contents of the source directory listing: { string #dagger: compute: [ dagger.#Load & { from: alpine }, dagger.#Exec & { args: ["sh", "-c", "ls /src > /tmp/out"] mount: "/src": { from: source } }, dagger.#Export & { source: "/tmp/out" } ] } host: string url: { string #dagger: compute: [ { do: "load" from: alpine }, dagger.#Exec & { args: ["sh", "-c", "echo -n 'https://\(host)/foo' > /tmp/out"] }, dagger.#Export & { source: "/tmp/out" }, ] } }