setup() { load 'helpers' common_setup TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) TEMPDIR2=$(mktemp -d) } @test "project init and update and info" { cd "$TEMPDIR" || exit 1 "$DAGGER" project init ./ --name "" test -d ./cue.mod/pkg test -d ./cue.mod/usr test -f ./cue.mod/module.cue contents=$(cat ./cue.mod/module.cue) [ "$contents" == 'module: ""' ] # ensure old 0.1 style .gitignore is removed printf "# generated by dagger\ndagger.lock" > .gitignore "$DAGGER" project update test -d ./cue.mod/pkg/ test -d ./cue.mod/pkg/ test -f ./cue.mod/pkg/.gitattributes run cat ./cue.mod/pkg/.gitattributes assert_output --partial "generated by dagger" test ! -f ./cue.mod/pkg/.gitignore run "$DAGGER" project info assert_success assert_output --partial "Current dagger project in:" assert_output --partial "$TEMPDIR" cd "$TEMPDIR2" || exit run "$DAGGER" project info assert_failure assert_output --partial "dagger project not found. Run \`dagger project init\`" } @test "project init with template" { cd "$TEMPDIR" || exit 1 if test -f ./hello.cue then echo "./hello.cue should not exist" exit 1 fi run "$DAGGER" project init -t hello assert_success if test ! -f ./hello.cue then echo "./hello.cue file was not created by the template flag" exit 1 fi cd - diff --unified "$TEMPDIR/hello.cue" "$TESTDIR/../cmd/dagger/cmd/project/templates/hello.cue" }