setup() { load 'helpers' common_setup } @test "plan/do: action sanity checks" { run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/do/actions.cue not exist assert_failure assert_output --partial "not found" } @test "plan/do: dynamic tasks - fails to find tasks" { # Europa loader handles the cwd differently, therefore we need to CD into the tree at or below the parent of cue.mod cd "$TESTDIR" run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/do/dynamic_tasks.cue test b # No output because of weirdness with dynamic tasks, which causes it to fail refute_output --partial "actions.test.b" } @test "plan/do: dynamic tasks - fails to run tasks" { run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/do/dynamic_tasks.cue "test" refute_output --partial 'actions.test.b.y' } @test "plan/do: don't run unspecified tasks" { run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/do/do_not_run_unspecified_tasks.cue test assert_output --partial "" assert_output --partial "actions.test.three.script" assert_output --partial "actions.test.two.script" assert_output --partial "actions.image" assert_output --partial "" assert_output --partial "actions.test.two" assert_output --partial "actions.test.three" assert_output --partial "" assert_output --partial 'client.filesystem."./test_do".write' refute_output --partial "actions.notMe" refute_output --partial 'client.filesystem."./dependent_do".write' } @test "plan/hello" { # Europa loader handles the cwd differently, therefore we need to CD into the tree at or below the parent of cue.mod cd "$TESTDIR" "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/hello-europa test } @test "plan/client/filesystem/read/fs/usage" { cd "$TESTDIR/plan/client/filesystem/read/fs" "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./usage test valid run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./usage test conflictingValues assert_failure assert_output --partial 'conflicting values "local directory" and "local foobar"' run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./usage test excluded assert_failure assert_line --partial 'test.log: no such file or directory' run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./usage test notExists assert_failure assert_output --partial 'test.json: no such file or directory' } @test "plan/client/filesystem/read/fs/not_exists" { cd "$TESTDIR/plan/client/filesystem/read/fs/not_exists" run "$DAGGER" "do" -p . test assert_failure assert_output --partial 'path "/foobar" does not exist' } @test "plan/client/filesystem/read/fs/relative" { cd "$TESTDIR/plan/client/filesystem/read/fs/relative" "$DAGGER" "do" -p . test valid run "$DAGGER" "do" -p . test notIncluded assert_failure assert_output --partial 'test.log: no such file or directory' } @test "plan/client/filesystem/read/file" { cd "$TESTDIR/plan/client/filesystem/read/file" "$DAGGER" "do" -p . test usage run "$DAGGER" "do" -p . test concrete assert_failure assert_output --partial "unexpected concrete value" } @test "plan/client/filesystem/read/service" { cd "$TESTDIR" "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/client/filesystem/read/service/valid.cue test run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/client/filesystem/read/service/invalid.cue test assert_failure } @test "plan/client/filesystem/write fs" { cd "$TESTDIR/plan/client/filesystem/write" rm -rf "./out_fs" "$DAGGER" "do" -p . test fs assert [ "$(cat ./out_fs/test)" = "foobar" ] rm -rf "./out_fs" } @test "plan/client/filesystem/write files" { cd "$TESTDIR/plan/client/filesystem/write" mkdir -p ./out_files rm -f ./out_files/* # -- string -- "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./ test file assert [ "$(cat ./out_files/test.txt)" = "foobaz" ] run ls -l "./out_files/test.txt" assert_output --partial "-rw-r--r--" # -- secret -- "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./ test secret assert [ "$(cat ./out_files/secret.txt)" = "foo-barab-oof" ] run ls -l "./out_files/secret.txt" assert_output --partial "-rw-------" rm -rf ./out_files } @test "plan/client/filesystem/conflict" { cd "$TESTDIR/plan/client/filesystem/conflict" echo -n foo > test.txt run "$DAGGER" "do" --log-level debug -p . test assert_line --regexp "client\.filesystem\..+\.write.+dependency=client\.filesystem\..+\.read" rm -f test.txt } @test "plan/client/env usage" { cd "${TESTDIR}" export TEST_STRING="foo" export TEST_SECRET="bar" "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/client/env/usage.cue test } @test "plan/client/env not exists" { cd "${TESTDIR}" run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/client/env/usage.cue test assert_failure assert_output --regexp "environment variable \"TEST_(STRING|SECRET)\" not set" } @test "plan/client/env concrete" { cd "${TESTDIR}" export TEST_FAIL="foobar" run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/client/env/concrete.cue test assert_failure assert_output --partial "TEST_FAIL: unexpected concrete value" } @test "plan/client/commands" { cd "${TESTDIR}/plan/client/commands" "$DAGGER" "do" -p . test valid run "$DAGGER" "do" -p . test invalid assert_failure assert_output --partial 'exec: "foobar": executable file not found' } @test "plan/with" { cd "$TESTDIR" "$DAGGER" "do" --with 'actions: params: foo:"bar"' -p ./plan/with test params "$DAGGER" "do" --with 'actions: test: direct: env: FOO: "bar"' -p ./plan/with test direct run "$DAGGER" "do" --with 'actions: params: foo:1' -p ./plan/with test params assert_failure assert_output --partial "conflicting values string and 1" run "$DAGGER" "do" -p ./plan/with test params assert_failure assert_output --partial "actions.test.params.env.FOO: non-concrete value string" } @test "plan/platform" { cd "$TESTDIR" # Run with amd64 platform run "$DAGGER" "do" -p./plan/platform/config_platform_linux_amd64.cue verify # Run with arm64 platform run "$DAGGER" "do" -p./plan/platform/config_platform_linux_arm64.cue verify # Run with invalid platform run "$DAGGER" "do" -p./plan/platform/config_platform_failure_invalid_platform.cue verify assert_failure }