package http import ( "encoding/json" "strconv" "" "" "" "" ) #Get: #Do & {method: "GET"} #Post: #Do & {method: "POST"} #Put: #Do & {method: "PUT"} #Delete: #Do & {method: "DELETE"} #Do: { url: string method: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATH" | "HEAD" request: { body: string | *"" header: [string]: string | [...string] token: dagger.#Secret | *null } ctr: os.#Container & { image: alpine.#Image & { package: curl: true package: bash: true package: jq: true } shell: path: "/bin/bash" always: true env: { METHOD: method HEADERS: json.Marshal(request.header) BODY: request.body URL: url } if request.token != null { secret: "/token": request.token } command: #""" curlArgs=( "$URL" -L --fail --silent --show-error --write-out "%{http_code}" -X "$METHOD" -o /response ) [ -n "$BODY" ] && curlArgs+=("-d" "'$BODY'") headers="$(echo $HEADERS | jq -r 'to_entries | map(.key + ": " + (.value | tostring) + "\n") | add')" while read h; do curlArgs+=("-H" "'$h'") done <<< "$headers" if [ -e /token ]; then curlArgs+=("-H" "Authorization: bearer $(cat /token)") fi curl "${curlArgs[@]}" > /status """# } statusCode: { os.#File & { from: ctr path: "/status" } }.contents @dagger(output) body: { os.#File & { from: ctr path: "/response" } }.contents @dagger(output) // Force os.#File exec before Atoi response: { "body": body "statusCode": strconv.Atoi(statusCode) } } // URL listener // Creates a dependency on URL #Wait: { // URL to listen url: string // Waiting time between checks (sec.) interval: int | *30 // Max amount of retries retries: int | *3 // Max initialization time (sec.) startPeriod: int | *0 // Time until timeout (sec.) timeout: int | *30 // Env variables env: [string]: string #up: [ op.#Load & { from: alpine.#Image & { package: bash: true package: curl: true } }, op.#Exec & { args: ["/bin/bash", "-c", #""" # (f: str -> int) nb_retries=$(($NB_RETRIES+0)) starting_period=$(($START_PERIOD+0)) status="0" SECONDS=0 # START_PERIOD implementation while [ $SECONDS -lt $starting_period ]; do status="$(curl --connect-timeout 1 -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' $HEALTH_URL)" if [ "$status" == "200" ]; then exit 0; fi sleep 1; done # TIMEOUT, INTERVAL, INTERVAL implementation for ((i=0;i