package main import ( "strings" "" "" ) engine.#Plan & { inputs: { params: { // FIXME: until we support a better way os: string | *"darwin" arch: string | *"amd64" // FIXME: implement condition actions using params } directories: { // dagger repository source: path: "../" } } outputs: directories: "go binaries": { contents:["/build"].contents dest: "./build" } actions: { goModCache: engine.#CacheDir & { id: "go mod cache" } baseImages: #Images source: "dagger source code": { contents: inputs.directories.source.contents dest: "/usr/src/dagger" } // FIXME: build only if the linter passed build: bash.#Run & { input: baseImages.goBuilder env: { GOMODCACHE: mounts["go mod cache"].dest GOOS: strings.ToLower(inputs.params.os) GOARCH: strings.ToLower(inputs.params.arch) } script: contents: #""" mkdir -p /build git_revision=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go build -v -o /build/dagger \ -ldflags '-s -w -X'${git_revision} \ ./cmd/dagger/ """# mounts: { source "go mod cache": { dest: "/gomodcache" contents: goModCache } } workdir: mounts["dagger source code"].dest export: directories: "/build": _ } goLint: bash.#Run & { input: baseImages.goLinter // FIXME: the source volume is too slow, taking >3m on docker for mac (vs < 2sec on the host machine) script: contents: "golangci-lint run -v --timeout 5m" workdir: mounts["dagger source code"].dest mounts: { source } } } }