SHELL := bash# we want bash behaviour in all shell invocations PLATFORM := $(shell uname) platform := $(shell uname | tr A-Z a-z) architecture := $(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(architecture),x86_64) architecture_alt := amd64 endif # BOLD := \033[1m NORMAL := \033[0m RED := \033[1;31m GREEN := \033[1;32m LOCAL_BIN := $(CURDIR)/bin $(LOCAL_BIN): mkdir -p $(LOCAL_BIN) XDG_CONFIG_HOME ?= $(CURDIR)/.config export XDG_CONFIG_HOME .DEFAULT_GOAL := help HELP_TARGET_DEPTH ?= \# .PHONY: help help: # Show how to get started & what targets are available @printf "\nIf this is your first time running this, remember to run: $(BOLD)make .env && source .env$(NORMAL)\n" @printf "This is a list of all the make targets that you can run, e.g. $(BOLD)make dagger$(NORMAL) - or $(BOLD)m dagger$(NORMAL)\n\n" @awk -F':+ |$(HELP_TARGET_DEPTH)' '/^[0-9a-zA-Z._%-]+:+.+$(HELP_TARGET_DEPTH).+$$/ { printf "$(GREEN)%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$3 }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort @echo .PHONY: env env:: # Print all env variables @echo 'alias m=make' @echo 'export PATH="$(LOCAL_BIN):$$PATH"' @echo 'export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$(XDG_CONFIG_HOME)"' .env: # Create the .env file - 💡 use the -B flag to re-create $(MAKE) --no-print-directory env > .env # Every system has curl installed here: CURL ?= /usr/bin/curl AGE := $(LOCAL_BIN)/age AGE_RELEASES := AGE_VERSION := 1.0.0 AGE_BIN_DIR := $(LOCAL_BIN)/age-v$(AGE_VERSION)-$(platform)-$(architecture_alt) AGE_URL := $(AGE_RELEASES)/download/v$(AGE_VERSION)/$(notdir $(AGE_BIN_DIR)).tar.gz AGE := $(AGE_BIN_DIR)/age/age $(AGE): | $(CURL) $(LOCAL_BIN) $(CURL) --progress-bar --fail --location --output $(AGE_BIN_DIR).tar.gz "$(AGE_URL)" mkdir -p $(AGE_BIN_DIR) && tar zxf $(AGE_BIN_DIR).tar.gz -C $(AGE_BIN_DIR) touch $(AGE) chmod +x $(AGE) $(AGE) --version | grep $(AGE_VERSION) ln -sf $(AGE) $(LOCAL_BIN)/age .PHONY: age age: $(AGE) define get_github_keys_for_age_recipient @printf "Configuring $(BOLD)$(1)$(NORMAL) as an age recipient...\n" @echo "# $(1)" >> $(@) @$(CURL) --silent --fail --location $(1) >> $(@) endef .age.recipients.txt: | $(CURL) # Generate all AGE recipients from GitHub keys $(call get_github_keys_for_age_recipient, $(call get_github_keys_for_age_recipient, $(call get_github_keys_for_age_recipient, $(call get_github_keys_for_age_recipient, $(call get_github_keys_for_age_recipient, $(call get_github_keys_for_age_recipient, $(call get_github_keys_for_age_recipient, $(call get_github_keys_for_age_recipient, DOCTL := $(LOCAL_BIN)/age DOCTL_RELEASES := DOCTL_VERSION := 1.69.0 DOCTL_BIN_DIR := $(LOCAL_BIN)/doctl-$(DOCTL_VERSION)-$(platform)-$(architecture_alt) DOCTL_URL := $(DOCTL_RELEASES)/download/v$(DOCTL_VERSION)/$(notdir $(DOCTL_BIN_DIR)).tar.gz DOCTL := $(DOCTL_BIN_DIR)/doctl $(DOCTL): | $(CURL) $(LOCAL_BIN) $(CURL) --progress-bar --fail --location --output $(DOCTL_BIN_DIR).tar.gz "$(DOCTL_URL)" mkdir -p $(DOCTL_BIN_DIR) && tar zxf $(DOCTL_BIN_DIR).tar.gz -C $(DOCTL_BIN_DIR) touch $(DOCTL) chmod +x $(DOCTL) $(DOCTL) version | grep $(DOCTL_VERSION) ln -sf $(DOCTL) $(LOCAL_BIN)/doctl .PHONY: doctl doctl: $(DOCTL) ifndef DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN @printf "\n$(RED)DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN $(BOLD)env var is missing$(NORMAL)\n" @printf "\nIf your private SSH key is in the $(BOLD).age.recipients.txt$(NORMAL) file, you can do the following:\n" @printf "$(BOLD)export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN=\$$(age -d -i ~/.ssh/$(GREEN)YOUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY$(NORMAL)$(BOLD) .do.dagger-ci-pr1499-2022-01-26.age)$(NORMAL)\n" @printf "\nReplace $(BOLD)$(GREEN)YOUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY$(NORMAL) with the name of your private SSH key\n\n" @exit 1 endif DAGGER_CI_NAME ?= dagger-ci-2022-01-26 .PHONY: dagger-ci dagger-ci: | $(AGE) doctl # Create dagger-ci $(DOCTL) compute droplet create \ --image debian-11-x64 \ --size s-1vcpu-1gb-intel \ --region nyc1 \ --enable-monitoring \ --ssh-keys 32985130,32968299,32835944,23961075,23698535 \ --user-data-file ./dagger-ci.cloudinit \ $(DAGGER_CI_NAME) .PHONY: dagger-ci-ssh dagger-ci-ssh: | $(AGE) doctl # SSH into dagger-ci $(DOCTL) compute ssh $(DAGGER_CI_NAME)