package docs import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" ) dagger.#Plan & { client: { // Locally, manual source of the .env or install env: { GITHUB_SHA: string SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_DOCKER_SWARM: dagger.#Secret } filesystem: { "./": read: contents: dagger.#FS "./merge.output": write: contents: // Creates a build artifact for debug } network: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock": connect: dagger.#Socket // Docker daemon socket } actions: { params: image: { ref: "" tag: "latest" localTag: "test-particubes" // name of the image when being run locally } _dockerCLI: alpine.#Build & { packages: { bash: {} curl: {} "docker-cli": {} "openssh-client": {} } } #_verifyGithubSHA: bash.#Run & { input: _dockerCLI.output env: GITHUB_SHA: client.env.GITHUB_SHA always: true script: contents: #""" TRIMMED_URL="$(echo $URL | cut -d '/' -f 1)" curl --verbose --fail --connect-timeout 5 --location "$URL" >"$TRIMMED_URL.curl.out" 2>&1 if ! grep "$GITHUB_SHA" "$TRIMMED_URL.curl.out" then echo "$GITHUB_SHA not present in the $TRIMMED_URL response:" cat "$TRIMMED_URL.curl.out" exit 1 fi """# } build: { luaDocs: docker.#Dockerfile & { source: client.filesystem."./lua-docs".read.contents } _addGithubSHA: core.#WriteFile & { input: luaDocs.output.rootfs path: "/www/github_sha.yml" contents: #""" keywords: ["particubes", "game", "mobile", "scripting", "cube", "voxel", "world", "docs"] title: "Github SHA" blocks: - text: "\#(client.env.GITHUB_SHA)" """# } image: docker.#Image & { rootfs: _addGithubSHA.output config: luaDocs.output.config } } clean: cli.#Run & { host:"unix:///var/run/docker.sock".connect always: true env: IMAGE_NAME: params.image.localTag command: { name: "sh" flags: "-c": #""" docker rm --force "$IMAGE_NAME" """# } } test: { preLoad: clean load: cli.#Load & { image: build.image host:"unix:///var/run/docker.sock".connect tag: params.image.localTag env: DEP: "\(preLoad.success)" // DEP created wth preLoad } run: cli.#Run & { host:"unix:///var/run/docker.sock".connect always: true env: { IMAGE_NAME: params.image.localTag PORTS: "80:80" DEP: "\(load.success)" // DEP created wth load } command: { name: "sh" flags: "-c": #""" docker run -d --rm --name "$IMAGE_NAME" -p "$PORTS" "$IMAGE_NAME" """# } } verify: #_verifyGithubSHA & { env: { URL: "localhost/github_sha" DEP: "\(run.success)" // DEP created wth run } } postVerify: clean & { env: DEP: "\(verify.success)" // DEP created wth verify } } deploy: { publish: docker.#Push & { dest: "\(params.image.ref):\(params.image.tag)" image: build.image } update: cli.#Run & { host: "ssh://ubuntu@" always: true ssh: key: client.env.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_DOCKER_SWARM env: DEP: "\(publish.result)" // DEP created wth publish command: { name: "sh" flags: "-c": #""" docker service update --image lua-docs """# } } verify: #_verifyGithubSHA & { env: { URL: "" DEP: "\(update.success)" // DEP created wth run } } } } }