package elb import ( "" "" ) // Returns a non-taken rule priority (randomized) #RandomRulePriority: { // AWS Config config: aws.#Config // ListenerArn listenerArn: string @dagger(input) // Optional vhost for reusing priorities vhost?: string @dagger(input) // exported priority priority: out @dagger(output) out: { string #up: [ op.#Load & { from: aws.#CLI & { "config": config } }, op.#Exec & { args: [ "/bin/bash", "--noprofile", "--norc", "-eo", "pipefail", #""" if [ -s "$VHOST" ]; then # We passed a vhost as input, try to recycle priority from previously allocated vhost priority=$(aws elbv2 describe-rules \ --listener-arn "$LISTENER_ARN" | \ jq -r --arg vhost "$VHOST" '.Rules[] | select(.Conditions[].HostHeaderConfig.Values[] == $VHOST) | .Priority') if [ -n "${priority}" ]; then echo -n "${priority}" > /priority exit 0 fi fi # Grab a priority random from 1-50k and check if available, retry 10 times if none available priority=0 for i in {1..10} do p=$(shuf -i 1-50000 -n 1) # Find the next priority available that we can allocate aws elbv2 describe-rules \ --listener-arn "$LISTENER_ARN" \ | jq -e "select(.Rules[].Priority == \"${p}\") | true" && continue priority="${p}" break done if [ "${priority}" -lt 1 ]; then echo "Error: cannot determine a Rule priority" exit 1 fi echo -n "${priority}" > /priority """#, ] env: { LISTENER_ARN: listenerArn VHOST: vhost } }, op.#Export & { source: "/db_created" format: "string" }, ] } }