setup() { load 'helpers' common_setup } @test "plan/hello" { # Europa loader handles the cwd differently, therefore we need to CD into the tree at or below the parent of cue.mod cd "$TESTDIR" "$DAGGER" up ./plan/hello-europa } @test "plan/proxy invalid schema" { cd "$TESTDIR" run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/proxy/invalid_schema.cue assert_failure } @test "plan/proxy invalid value" { cd "$TESTDIR" run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/proxy/invalid_value.cue assert_failure } @test "plan/proxy incomplete unix" { cd "$TESTDIR" run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/proxy/incomplete_unix.cue assert_failure } @test "plan/proxy incomplete service" { cd "$TESTDIR" run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/proxy/incomplete_service.cue assert_output --partial 'mount "docker" is not concrete' } @test "plan/proxy unix" { cd "$TESTDIR" "$DAGGER" up ./plan/proxy/unix.cue } @test "plan/inputs/directories exists" { cd "$TESTDIR" "$DAGGER" up ./plan/inputs/directories/exists.cue } @test "plan/inputs/directories relative directories" { cd "$TESTDIR" cd "$TESTDIR"/plan/inputs "$DAGGER" up ./directories/exists.cue } @test "plan/inputs/directories not exists" { cd "$TESTDIR" run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/inputs/directories/not_exists.cue assert_failure assert_output --partial 'fasdfsdfs" does not exist' } @test "plan/inputs/directories conflicting values" { cd "$TESTDIR" run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/inputs/directories/conflicting_values.cue assert_failure assert_output --partial 'conflicting values "local directory" and "local dfsadf"' } @test "plan/inputs/secrets" { cd "$TESTDIR" "$DAGGER" up ./plan/inputs/secrets/exec.cue "$DAGGER" up ./plan/inputs/secrets/exec_relative.cue run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/inputs/secrets/invalid_command.cue assert_failure assert_output --partial 'failed: exec: "rtyet": executable file not found' run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/inputs/secrets/invalid_command_options.cue assert_failure assert_output --partial 'option' } @test "plan/with" { cd "$TESTDIR" "$DAGGER" up --with 'inputs: params: foo:"bar"' ./plan/with/params.cue "$DAGGER" up --with 'actions: verify: env: FOO: "bar"' ./plan/with/actions.cue run "$DAGGER" up --with 'inputs: params: foo:1' ./plan/with/params.cue assert_failure assert_output --partial "conflicting values string and 1" run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/with/params.cue assert_failure assert_output --partial "actions.verify.env.FOO: non-concrete value string" } @test "plan/outputs/directories" { cd "$TESTDIR"/plan/outputs/directories "$DAGGER" up ./outputs.cue assert [ -f "./out/test_outputs" ] rm -f "./out/test_outputs" } @test "plan/outputs/directories relative paths" { cd "$TESTDIR"/plan "$DAGGER" up ./outputs/directories/relative.cue assert [ -f "./outputs/directories/out/test_relative" ] rm -f "./outputs/directories/out/test_relative" } @test "plan/outputs/files normal usage" { cd "$TESTDIR"/plan/outputs/files "$DAGGER" up ./usage.cue run ./test_usage assert_output "Hello World!" run ls -l "./test_usage" assert_output --partial "-rwxr-x---" rm -f "./test_usage" } @test "plan/outputs/files relative path" { cd "$TESTDIR"/plan "$DAGGER" up ./outputs/files/relative.cue assert [ -f "./outputs/files/test_relative" ] rm -f "./outputs/files/test_relative" } @test "plan/outputs/files default permissions" { cd "$TESTDIR"/plan/outputs/files "$DAGGER" up ./default_permissions.cue run ls -l "./test_default_permissions" assert_output --partial "-rw-r--r--" rm -f "./test_default_permissions" } @test "plan/outputs/files no contents" { cd "$TESTDIR"/plan/outputs/files run "$DAGGER" up ./no_contents.cue assert_failure assert_output --partial "contents is not set" assert [ ! -f "./test_no_contents" ] rm -f "./test_no_contents" } @test "plan/platform" { cd "$TESTDIR" # Run with amd64 platform run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/platform/config_platform_linux_amd64.cue # Run with arm64 platform run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/platform/config_platform_linux_arm64.cue # Run with invalid platform run "$DAGGER" up ./plan/platform/config_platform_failure_invalid_platform.cue assert_failure }