package gke import ( "" "" ) // KubeConfig config outputs a valid kube-auth-config for kubectl client #KubeConfig: { // GCP Config config: gcp.#Config // GKE cluster name clusterName: string // Kubectl version version: *"v1.19.9" | string // kubeconfig is the generated kube configuration file kubeconfig: { // FIXME There is a problem with dagger.#Secret type string #up: [ op.#Load & { from: gcp.#GCloud & { "config": config } }, op.#WriteFile & { dest: "/" content: #Code }, op.#Exec & { always: true args: [ "/bin/bash", "--noprofile", "--norc", "-eo", "pipefail", "/", ] env: { GKE_CLUSTER: clusterName KUBECTL_VERSION: version } mount: "/cache/bin": "cache" }, op.#Export & { source: "/kubeconfig" format: "string" }, ] } } #Code: #""" [ -e /cache/bin/kubectl ] || { curl -sfL${KUBECTL_VERSION}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl -o /cache/bin/kubectl \ && chmod +x /cache/bin/kubectl } export KUBECONFIG=/kubeconfig export PATH="$PATH:/cache/bin" # Generate a kube configiration gcloud -q container clusters get-credentials "$GKE_CLUSTER" # Figure out the kubernetes username CONTEXT="$(kubectl config current-context)" USER="$(kubectl config view -o json | \ jq -r ".contexts[] | select(.name==\"$CONTEXT\") | .context.user")" # Grab a kubernetes access token ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud -q config config-helper --format json --min-expiry 1h | \ jq -r .credential.access_token)" # Remove the user config and replace it with the token kubectl config unset "users.${USER}" kubectl config set-credentials "$USER" --token "$ACCESS_TOKEN" """#