package argocd

import (

// Sync an application to its targer state
#Sync: {
	// ArgoCD configuration
	config: #Config

	// ArgoCD application
	application: dagger.#Input & {string}

	// Wait the application to sync correctly
	wait: dagger.#Input & {*false | bool}

	ctr: os.#Container & {
		image: #CLI & {
			"config": config
		command: #"""
				argocd app sync "$APPLICATION"

				if [ -n "$WAIT_FLAG" ]; then
					argocd app wait "$APPLICATION"
		always: true
		env: APPLICATION: application
		if wait {
			env: WAIT_FLAG: "wait"

	status: #Status & {
		config: ctr.image.config
		name:   application