package netlify import ( "" "" "" ) // A Netlify account #Account: { // Use this Netlify account name // (also referred to as "team" in the Netlify docs) name: string | *"" // Netlify authentication token token: dagger.#Secret } // A Netlify site #Site: { // Netlify account this site is attached to account: #Account // Contents of the application to deploy contents: dagger.#Artifact // Deploy to this Netlify site name: string // Host the site at this address customDomain?: string // Create the Netlify site if it doesn't exist? create: bool | *true // Website url url: string // Unique Deploy URL deployUrl: string // Logs URL for this deployment logsUrl: string #compute: [ llb.#Load & { from: alpine.#Image & { package: bash: "=~5.1" package: jq: "=~1.6" package: curl: "=~7.74" package: yarn: "=~1.22" } }, llb.#Exec & { args: ["yarn", "global", "add", "netlify-cli@2.47.0"] }, llb.#Exec & { args: [ "/bin/bash", "--noprofile", "--norc", "-eo", "pipefail", "-c", code, ] env: { NETLIFY_SITE_NAME: name if (create) { NETLIFY_SITE_CREATE: "1" } if customDomain != _|_ { NETLIFY_DOMAIN: customDomain } NETLIFY_ACCOUNT: NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN: account.token } dir: "/src" mount: "/src": from: contents }, llb.#Export & { source: "/output.json" format: "json" }, ] } // FIXME: this should be outside let code = #""" create_site() { url="${NETLIFY_ACCOUNT:-}/sites" response=$(curl -s -S -f -H "Authorization: Bearer $NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN" \ -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ $url \ -d "{\"name\": \"${NETLIFY_SITE_NAME}\", \"custom_domain\": \"${NETLIFY_DOMAIN}\"}" ) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi echo $response | jq -r '.site_id' } site_id=$(curl -s -S -f -H "Authorization: Bearer $NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN" \\?filter\=all | \ jq -r ".[] | select(.name==\"$NETLIFY_SITE_NAME\") | .id" \ ) if [ -z "$site_id" ] ; then if [ "${NETLIFY_SITE_CREATE:-}" != 1 ]; then echo "Site $NETLIFY_SITE_NAME does not exist" exit 1 fi site_id=$(create_site) if [ -z "$site_id" ]; then echo "create site failed" exit 1 fi fi netlify deploy \ --dir="$(pwd)" \ --site="$site_id" \ --prod \ | tee /tmp/stdout url=$(</tmp/stdout sed -n -e 's/^Website URL:.*\(https:\/\/.*\)$/\1/p' | tr -d '\n') deployUrl=$(</tmp/stdout sed -n -e 's/^Unique Deploy URL:.*\(https:\/\/.*\)$/\1/p' | tr -d '\n') logsUrl=$(</tmp/stdout sed -n -e 's/^Logs:.*\(https:\/\/.*\)$/\1/p' | tr -d '\n') jq -n \ --arg url "$url" \ --arg deployUrl "$deployUrl" \ --arg logsUrl "$logsUrl" \ '{url: $url, deployUrl: $deployUrl, logsUrl: $logsUrl}' > /output.json """#