--- slug: /learn/107-kubernetes --- # Dagger 107: deploy to Kubernetes This tutorial illustrates how to use Dagger to build, push and deploy Docker images to Kubernetes. import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; ## Prerequisites For this tutorial, you will need a Kubernetes cluster. [Kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start) is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker. 1\. Install kind Follow [these instructions](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start) to install Kind. Alternatively, on macOS using [homebrew](https://brew.sh/): ```shell brew install kind ``` 2\. Start a local registry ```shell docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2 ``` 3\. Create a cluster with the local registry enabled in containerd ```shell cat < This tutorial can be run against a [GCP GKE](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine) cluster and [GCR](https://cloud.google.com/container-registry). You can follow this [GCP documentation](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/quickstart) to create a GKE cluster. You will also need to create a [kubeconfig](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/quickstart#get_authentication_credentials_for_the_cluster) . This tutorial can be run against a [AWS EKS](https://aws.amazon.com/eks/) cluster and [ECR](https://aws.amazon.com/ecr/) . You can follow this [AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/getting-started-console.html) to create an EKS cluster. You will also need to create a [kubeconfig](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/create-kubeconfig.html). ## Initialize a Dagger Workspace and Environment ### (optional) Setup example app You will need the local copy of the [Dagger examples repository](https://github.com/dagger/examples) used in previous guides ```shell git clone https://github.com/dagger/examples ``` Make sure that all commands are run from the todoapp directory: ```shell cd examples/todoapp ``` ### (optional) Initialize a Cue module This guide will use the same directory as the root of the Dagger workspace and the root of the Cue module, but you can create your Cue module anywhere inside the Dagger workspace. ```shell cue mod init ``` ### Organize your package Let's create a new directory for our Cue package: ```shell mkdir kube ``` ### Deploy using Kubectl Kubernetes objects are located inside the `k8s` folder: ```shell tree k8s # k8s # ├── deployment.yaml # └── service.yaml # 0 directories, 2 files ``` As a starting point, let's deploy them manually with `kubectl`: ```shell kubectl apply -f k8s/ # deployment.apps/todoapp created # service/todoapp-service created ``` Verify that the deployment worked: ```shell kubectl get deployments # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE # todoapp 1/1 1 1 10m kubectl get service # NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE # todoapp-service NodePort 80:32658/TCP 11m ``` The next step is to transpose it in Cue. Before continuing, clean everything: ```shell kubectl delete -f k8s/ # deployment.apps "todoapp" deleted # service "todoapp-service" deleted ``` ## Create a basic plan Create a file named `todoapp.cue` and add the following configuration to it. ```cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/dagger" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes" ) // input: kubernetes objects directory to deploy to // set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` manifest: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // Deploy the manifest to a kubernetes cluster todoApp: kubernetes.#Resources & { "kubeconfig": kubeconfig source: manifest } ``` This defines a `todoApp` variable containing the Kubernetes objects used to create a todoapp deployment. It also references a `kubeconfig` value defined above: The above `config.cue` defines: - `kubeconfig` a generic value created to embed this string `kubeconfig` value ```cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/dagger" ) // set with `dagger input text kubeconfig -f "$HOME"/.kube/config -e kube` kubeconfig: string & dagger.#Input ``` The below `config.cue` defines: - `kubeconfig` a generic value created to embbed this `gke.#KubeConfig` value - `gcpConfig`: connection to Google using `alpha.dagger.io/gcp` - `gkeConfig`: transform a `gcpConfig` to a readable format for `kubernetes.#Resources.kubeconfig` using `alpha.dagger.io/gcp/gke` ```cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/gcp" "alpha.dagger.io/gcp/gke" ) // Value created for generic reference of `kubeconfig` in `todoapp.cue` kubeconfig: gkeConfig.kubeconfig // gcpConfig used for Google connection gcpConfig: gcp.#Config // gkeConfig used for deployment gkeConfig: gke.#KubeConfig & { // config field references `gkeConfig` value to set in once config: gcpConfig } ``` The below `config.cue` defines: - `kubeconfig`, a generic value created to embbed this `eksConfig.kubeconfig` value - `awsConfig`, connection to Amazon using `alpha.dagger.io/aws` - `eksConfig`, transform a `awsConfig` to a readable format for `kubernetes.#Resources.kubeconfig` using `alpha.dagger.io/aws/eks` ```cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/aws" "alpha.dagger.io/aws/eks" ) // Value created for generic reference of `kubeconfig` in `todoapp.cue` kubeconfig: eksConfig.kubeconfig // awsConfig for Amazon connection awsConfig: aws.#Config // eksConfig used for deployment eksConfig: eks.#KubeConfig & { // config field references `gkeConfig` value to set in once config: awsConfig } ``` ### Setup the environment #### Create a new environment Now that your Cue package is ready, let's create an environment to run it: ```shell dagger new 'kube' -p kube ``` ### Configure the environment Before we can bring up the deployment, we need to provide the `kubeconfig` input declared in the configuration. Otherwise, Dagger will complain about a missing input: ```shell dagger up -e kube # 5:05PM ERR system | required input is missing input=kubeconfig # 5:05PM ERR system | required input is missing input=manifest # 5:05PM FTL system | some required inputs are not set, please re-run with `--force` if you think it's a mistake missing=0s ``` You can inspect the list of inputs (both required and optional) using `dagger input list`: ```shell dagger input list -e kube # Input Value Set by user Description # kubeconfig string false set with `dagger input text kubeconfig -f "$HOME"/.kube/config -e kube` # manifest dagger.#Artifact false input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` # todoApp.namespace *"default" | string false Kubernetes Namespace to deploy to # todoApp.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Version of kubectl client ``` ```shell dagger input list -e kube # Input Value Set by user Description # gcpConfig.region string false GCP region # gcpConfig.project string false GCP project # gcpConfig.serviceKey dagger.#Secret false GCP service key # manifest dagger.#Artifact false input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` # gkeConfig.clusterName string false GKE cluster name # gkeConfig.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Kubectl version # todoApp.namespace *"default" | string false Kubernetes Namespace to deploy to # todoApp.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Version of kubectl client ``` ```shell dagger input list -e kube # Input Value Set by user Description # awsConfig.region string false AWS region # awsConfig.accessKey dagger.#Secret false AWS access key # awsConfig.secretKey dagger.#Secret false AWS secret key # manifest dagger.#Artifact false input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` # eksConfig.clusterName string false EKS cluster name # eksConfig.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Kubectl version # todoApp.namespace *"default" | string false Kubernetes Namespace to deploy to # todoApp.version *"v1.19.9" | string false Version of kubectl client ``` Let's provide the missing inputs: ```shell # we'll use the "$HOME"/.kube/config created by `kind` dagger input text kubeconfig -f "$HOME"/.kube/config -e kube # Add as an artifact the k8s folder dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube ``` ```shell # Add as an artifact the k8s folder dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube # Add Google credentials dagger input text gcpConfig.project -e kube dagger input text gcpConfig.region -e kube dagger input secret gcpConfig.serviceKey -f -e kube # Add GKE clusterName dagger input text gkeConfig.clusterName -e kube ``` ```shell # Add as an artifact the k8s folder dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube # Add Amazon credentials dagger input text awsConfig.region -e kube dagger input secret awsConfig.accessKey -e kube dagger input secret awsConfig.secretKey -e kube # Add EKS clustername dagger input text eksConfig.clusterName -e kube ``` ### Deploying Now is time to deploy to Kubernetes. ```shell dagger up -e kube # deploy | computing # deploy | #26 0.700 deployment.apps/todoapp created # deploy | #27 0.705 service/todoapp-service created # deploy | completed duration=1.405s ``` Let's verify if the deployment worked: ```shell kubectl get deployments # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE # todoapp 1/1 1 1 1m ``` Before continuing, cleanup deployment: ```shell kubectl delete -f k8s/ # deployment.apps "todoapp" deleted # service "todoapp-service" deleted ``` ## Building, pushing, and deploying Docker images Rather than deploying an existing (`todoapp`) image, we're going to build a Docker image from the source, push it to a registry, and update the Kubernetes configuration. ### Update the plan Let's see how to deploy an image locally and push it to the local cluster `kube/todoapp.cue` faces these changes: - `repository`, source code of the app to build. It needs to have a Dockerfile - `registry`, URI of the registry to push to - `image`, build of the image - `remoteImage`, push an image to the registry - `kustomization`, apply kustomization to image ```cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" package main import ( "encoding/yaml" "alpha.dagger.io/dagger" "alpha.dagger.io/docker" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes/kustomize" ) // input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile // set with `dagger input dir repository . -e kube` repository: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // Registry to push images to registry: string & dagger.#Input tag: "test-kind" // input: kubernetes objects directory to deploy to // set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` manifest: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // Todoapp deployment pipeline todoApp: { // Build the image from repositoru artifact image: docker.#Build & { source: repository } // Push image to registry remoteImage: docker.#Push & { target: "\(registry):\(tag)" source: image } // Update the image from manifest to use the deployed one kustomization: kustomize.#Kustomize & { source: manifest // Convert CUE to YAML. kustomization: yaml.Marshal({ resources: ["deployment.yaml", "service.yaml"] images: [{ name: "public.ecr.aws/j7f8d3t2/todoapp" newName: remoteImage.ref }] }) } // Deploy the customized manifest to a kubernetes cluster kubeSrc: kubernetes.#Resources & { "kubeconfig": kubeconfig source: kustomization } } ``` Let's see how to leverage [GCR](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/gcp/gcr) and [GKE](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/gcp/gke) packages. The two files have to be edited to do so. `kube/config.cue` configuration has following change: - definition of a new `ecrCreds` value that contains ecr credentials for remote image push to GCR ```cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/gcp" "alpha.dagger.io/gcp/gcr" "alpha.dagger.io/gcp/gke" ) // Value created for generic reference of `kubeconfig` in `todoapp.cue` kubeconfig: gkeConfig.kubeconfig // gcpConfig used for Google connection gcpConfig: gcp.#Config // gkeConfig used for deployment gkeConfig: gke.#KubeConfig & { // config field references `gkeConfig` value to set in once config: gcpConfig } // gcrCreds used for remote image push gcrCreds: gcr.#Credentials & { // config field references `gcpConfig` value to set in once config: gcpConfig } ``` `kube/todoapp.cue`, on the other hand, faces these changes: - `repository`, source code of the app to build. It needs to have a Dockerfile - `registry`, URI of the registry to push to - `image`, build of the image - `remoteImage`, push an image to the registry - `kustomization`, apply kustomization to image ```cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" package main import ( "encoding/yaml" "alpha.dagger.io/dagger" "alpha.dagger.io/docker" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes/kustomize" ) // input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile // set with `dagger input dir repository . -e kube` repository: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // GCR registry to push images to registry: string & dagger.#Input tag: "test-gcr" // source of Kube config file. // set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` manifest: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // Declarative name todoApp: { // Build an image from the project repository image: docker.#Build & { source: repository } // Push the image to a remote registry remoteImage: docker.#Push & { target: "\(registry):\(tag)" source: image auth: { username: gcrCreds.username secret: gcrCreds.secret } } // Update the image of the deployment to the deployed image kustomization: kustomize.#Kustomize & { source: manifest // Convert CUE to YAML. kustomization: yaml.Marshal({ resources: ["deployment.yaml", "service.yaml"] images: [{ name: "public.ecr.aws/j7f8d3t2/todoapp" newName: remoteImage.ref }] }) } // Value created for generic reference of `kubeconfig` in `todoapp.cue` kubeSrc: kubernetes.#Resources & { "kubeconfig": kubeconfig source: kustomization } } ``` Let's see how to leverage [ECR](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/aws/ecr) and [EKS](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/aws/eks) packages. The two files have to be edited to do so. `kube/config.cue` configuration has following change: - definition of a new `ecrCreds` value that contains ecr credentials for remote image push to ECR ```cue title="todoapp/kube/config.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/aws" "alpha.dagger.io/aws/eks" "alpha.dagger.io/aws/ecr" ) // Value created for generic reference of `kubeconfig` in `todoapp.cue` kubeconfig: eksConfig.kubeconfig // awsConfig for Amazon connection awsConfig: aws.#Config // eksConfig used for deployment eksConfig: eks.#KubeConfig & { // config field references `awsConfig` value to set in once config: awsConfig } // ecrCreds used for remote image push ecrCreds: ecr.#Credentials & { // config field references `awsConfig` value to set in once config: awsConfig } ``` `kube/todoapp.cue`, on the other hand, faces these changes: - `repository`, source code of the app to build. It needs to have a Dockerfile - `registry`, URI of the registry to push to - `image`, build of the image - `remoteImage`, push an image to the registry - `kustomization`, apply kustomization to image ```cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" package main import ( "encoding/yaml" "alpha.dagger.io/dagger" "alpha.dagger.io/docker" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes/kustomize" ) // input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile // set with `dagger input dir repository . -e kube` repository: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // ECR registry to push images to registry: string & dagger.#Input tag: "test-ecr" // source of Kube config file. // set with `dagger input dir manifest ./k8s -e kube` manifest: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input todoApp: { // Build an image from the project repository image: docker.#Build & { source: repository } // Push the image to a remote registry remoteImage: docker.#Push & { target: "\(registry):\(tag)" source: image auth: { username: ecrCreds.username secret: ecrCreds.secret } } // Update the image of the deployment to the deployed image kustomization: kustomize.#Kustomize & { source: manifest // Convert CUE to YAML. kustomization: yaml.Marshal({ resources: ["deployment.yaml", "service.yaml"] images: [{ name: "public.ecr.aws/j7f8d3t2/todoapp" newName: remoteImage.ref }] }) } // Value created for generic reference of `kubeconfig` in `todoapp.cue` kubeSrc: kubernetes.#Resources & { "kubeconfig": kubeconfig source: kustomization } } ``` ### Connect the Inputs Next, we'll provide the two new inputs, `repository` and `registry`. ```shell # A name after `localhost:5000/` is required to avoid error on push to the local registry dagger input text registry "localhost:5000/kind" -e kube # Add todoapp (current folder) to repository value dagger input dir repository . -e kube ``` Next, we'll provide the two new inputs, `repository` and `registry`. ```shell # Add registry to export built image to dagger input text registry -e kube # Add todoapp (current folder) to repository value dagger input dir repository . -e kube ``` Next, we'll provide the two new inputs, `repository` and `registry`. ```shell # Add registry to export built image to dagger input text registry -e kube # Add todoapp (current folder) to repository value dagger input dir repository . -e kube ``` ### Bring up the changes ```shell dagger up -e kube # 4:09AM INF manifest | computing # 4:09AM INF repository | computing # ... # 4:09AM INF todoApp.kubeSrc | #37 0.858 service/todoapp-service created # 4:09AM INF todoApp.kubeSrc | #37 0.879 deployment.apps/todoapp created # Output Value Description # todoApp.remoteImage.ref "localhost:5000/kind:test-kind@sha256:cb8d92518b876a3fe15a23f7c071290dfbad50283ad976f3f5b93e9f20cefee6" Image ref # todoApp.remoteImage.digest "sha256:cb8d92518b876a3fe15a23f7c071290dfbad50283ad976f3f5b93e9f20cefee6" Image digest ``` Let's verify if the deployment worked: ```shell kubectl get deployments # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE # todoapp 1/1 1 1 50s ``` Before continuing, cleanup deployment: ```shell kubectl delete -f k8s/ # deployment.apps "todoapp" deleted # service "todoapp-service" deleted ``` ## CUE Kubernetes manifest This section will convert Kubernetes YAML manifest from `k8s` directory to [CUE](https://cuelang.org/) to take advantage of the language features. > For a more advanced example, see the [official CUE Kubernetes tutorial](https://github.com/cuelang/cue/blob/v0.4.0/doc/tutorial/kubernetes/README.md) ### Convert Kubernetes objects to CUE First, let's create re-usable definitions for the `deployment` and the `service` to remove a lot of boilerplate and repetition. Let's define a re-usable `#Deployment` definition in `kube/deployment.cue`. ```cue title="todoapp/kube/deployment.cue" package main // Deployment template containing all the common boilerplate shared by // deployments of this application. #Deployment: { // Name of the deployment. This will be used to label resources automatically // and generate selectors. name: string // Container image. image: string // 80 is the default port. port: *80 | int // 1 is the default, but we allow any number. replicas: *1 | int // Deployment manifest. Uses the name, image, port and replicas above to // generate the resource manifest. manifest: { apiVersion: "apps/v1" kind: "Deployment" metadata: { "name": name labels: app: name } spec: { "replicas": replicas selector: matchLabels: app: name template: { metadata: labels: app: name spec: containers: [{ "name": name "image": image ports: [{ containerPort: port }] }] } } } } ``` Indeed, let's also define a re-usable `#Service` definition in `kube/service.cue`. ```cue title="todoapp/kube/service.cue" package main // Service template containing all the common boilerplate shared by // services of this application. #Service: { // Name of the service. This will be used to label resources automatically // and generate selector. name: string // NodePort is the default service type. type: *"NodePort" | "LoadBalancer" | "ClusterIP" | "ExternalName" // Ports where the service should listen ports: [string]: number // Service manifest. Uses the name, type and ports above to // generate the resource manifest. manifest: { apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Service" metadata: { "name": "\(name)-service" labels: app: name } spec: { "type": type "ports": [ for k, v in ports { "name": k port: v }, ] selector: app: name } } } ``` ### Generate Kubernetes manifest Now that you have generic definitions for your Kubernetes objects. You can use them to get back your YAML definition without having boilerplate nor repetition. Create a new definition named `#AppManifest` that will generate the YAML in `kube/manifest.cue`. ```cue title="todoapp/kube/manifest.cue" package main import ( "encoding/yaml" ) // Define and generate kubernetes deployment to deploy to kubernetes cluster #AppManifest: { // Name of the application name: string // Image to deploy to image: string // Define a kubernetes deployment object deployment: #Deployment & { "name": name "image": image } // Define a kubernetes service object service: #Service & { "name": name ports: "http": deployment.port } // Merge definitions and convert them back from CUE to YAML manifest: yaml.MarshalStream([deployment.manifest, service.manifest]) } ``` ### Update manifest You can now remove the `manifest` input in `kube/todoapp.cue` and instead use the manifest created by `#AppManifest`. `kube/todoapp.cue` configuration has following changes: - removal of unused imported `encoding/yaml` and `kustomize` packages. - removal of `manifest` input that is doesn't need anymore. - removal of `kustomization` to replace it with `#AppManifest` definition. - Update `kubeSrc` to use `manifest` field instead of `source` because we don't send Kubernetes manifest of `dagger.#Artifact` type anymore. ```cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/dagger" "alpha.dagger.io/docker" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes" ) // input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile // set with `dagger input dir repository . -e kube` repository: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // Registry to push images to registry: string & dagger.#Input tag: "test-kind" // Todoapp deployment pipeline todoApp: { // Build the image from repositoru artifact image: docker.#Build & { source: repository } // Push image to registry remoteImage: docker.#Push & { target: "\(registry):\(tag)" source: image } // Generate deployment manifest deployment: #AppManifest & { name: "todoapp" image: remoteImage.ref } // Deploy the customized manifest to a kubernetes cluster kubeSrc: kubernetes.#Resources & { "kubeconfig": kubeconfig manifest: deployment.manifest } } ``` ```cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/dagger" "alpha.dagger.io/docker" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes" ) // input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile // set with `dagger input dir repository . -e kube` repository: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // GCR registry to push images to registry: string & dagger.#Input tag: "test-gcr" // Todoapp deployment pipeline todoApp: { // Build the image from repositoru artifact image: docker.#Build & { source: repository } // Push image to registry remoteImage: docker.#Push & { target: "\(registry):\(tag)" source: image auth: { username: gcrCreds.username secret: gcrCreds.secret } } // Generate deployment manifest deployment: #AppManifest & { name: "todoapp" image: remoteImage.ref } // Deploy the customized manifest to a kubernetes cluster kubeSrc: kubernetes.#Resources & { "kubeconfig": kubeconfig manifest: deployment.manifest } } ``` ```cue title="todoapp/kube/todoapp.cue" package main import ( "alpha.dagger.io/dagger" "alpha.dagger.io/docker" "alpha.dagger.io/kubernetes" ) // input: source code repository, must contain a Dockerfile // set with `dagger input dir repository . -e kube` repository: dagger.#Artifact & dagger.#Input // ECR registry to push images to registry: string & dagger.#Input tag: "test-ecr" // Todoapp deployment pipeline todoApp: { // Build the image from repositoru artifact image: docker.#Build & { source: repository } // Push image to registry remoteImage: docker.#Push & { target: "\(registry):\(tag)" source: image auth: { username: ecrCreds.username secret: ecrCreds.secret } } // Generate deployment manifest deployment: #AppManifest & { name: "todoapp" image: remoteImage.ref } // Deploy the customized manifest to a kubernetes cluster kubeSrc: kubernetes.#Resources & { "kubeconfig": kubeconfig manifest: deployment.manifest } } ``` ### Remove unused input Now that we manage our Kubernetes manifest in CUE, we don't need `manifest` anymore. ```shell # Remove `manifest` input dagger input unset manifest -e kube ``` ### Deployment ```shell dagger up -e kube # 4:09AM INF manifest | computing # 4:09AM INF repository | computing # ... # 4:09AM INF todoApp.kubeSrc | #37 0.858 service/todoapp-service created # 4:09AM INF todoApp.kubeSrc | #37 0.879 deployment.apps/todoapp created # Output Value Description # todoApp.remoteImage.ref "localhost:5000/kind:test-kind@sha256:cb8d91518b076a3fe15a33f7c171290dfbad50283ad976f3f5b93e9f33cefag7" Image ref # todoApp.remoteImage.digest "sha256:cb8d91518b076a3fe15a33f7c171290dfbad50283ad976f3f5b93e9f33cefag7" Image digest ``` Let's verify that the deployment worked: ```shell kubectl get deployments # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE # todoapp 1/1 1 1 37s ``` ## Next Steps Integrate Helm with Dagger: - [Helm](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/stdlib/kubernetes/helm)