--- slug: /1006/google-cloud-run/ --- # Deploy to Google Cloud Run with Dagger This tutorial illustrates how to use Dagger to build, push and deploy Docker images to Cloud Run. import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; ## Initialize a Dagger Project and Environment ### (optional) Setup example app You will need the local copy of the [Dagger examples repository](https://github.com/dagger/examples) used in previous guides ```shell git clone https://github.com/dagger/examples ``` Make sure that all commands are being run from the todoapp directory: ```shell cd examples/todoapp ``` ### Organize your package Let's create a new directory for our Cue package: ```shell mkdir gcpcloudrun ``` ### Create a basic plan ```cue file=./tests/gcpcloudrun/source.cue title="todoapp/gcpcloudrun/source.cue" ``` ## Set up the environment ### Create a new environment Let's create a project: ```shell dagger init ``` Let's create an environment to run it: ```shell dagger new 'gcpcloudrun' -p ./gcpcloudrun ``` ### Configure user inputs ```shell dagger input dir src . -e gcpcloudrun dagger input text deploy.name todoapp -e gcpcloudrun dagger input text imageRef gcr.io/<your-project>/todoapp -e gcpcloudrun dagger input text gcpConfig.region us-west2 -e gcpcloudrun dagger input text gcpConfig.project <your-project> -e gcpcloudrun dagger input secret gcpConfig.serviceKey -f ./gcp-sa-key.json -e gcpcloudrun ``` ## Deploy Now that everything is set correctly, let's deploy on Cloud Run: ```shell dagger up -e gcpcloudrun ```