--- slug: /1216/ci-cd-for-go-project displayed_sidebar: europa --- # Go on Docker Hub Dagger stand as a powerful CI/CD tool that works on any environment. For instance, you can use [go package](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/tree/main/pkg/universe.dagger.io/go) to control the whole CI/CD process, from test to push into a remote registry. :::tip Following examples can be used as a template for any standalone go project. ::: ## Test ```cue file=../tests/use-cases/ci-cd-for-go-project/test/dagger.cue ``` You can then run unit test in your go project with ```shell dagger do unit-test ``` :::tip You can also use dagger to write integration tests ::: ## Build ```cue file=../tests/use-cases/ci-cd-for-go-project/build/dagger.cue ``` :::tip You can control the binary platform with `os` and `arch` field. ::: You can then build your binary with ```shell dagger do build ``` ## Push ```cue file=../tests/use-cases/ci-cd-for-go-project/push/dagger.cue ``` You can then build and push your go project with ```shell dagger do push ``` ## Push multi-platform Coming soon