common_setup() { load "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/node_modules/bats-support/load.bash" load "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/node_modules/bats-assert/load.bash" # Dagger Binary # FIXME: `command -v` must be wrapped in a sub-bash, # otherwise infinite recursion when DAGGER_BINARY is not set. export DAGGER="${DAGGER_BINARY:-$(bash -c 'command -v dagger')}" # Disable telemetry DAGGER_TELEMETRY_DISABLE="1" export DAGGER_TELEMETRY_DISABLE # Force plain printing for error reporting DAGGER_LOG_FORMAT="plain" export DAGGER_LOG_FORMAT # cd into the directory containing the bats file cd "$BATS_TEST_DIRNAME" || exit 1 } # dagger helper to execute the right binary dagger() { "${DAGGER}" "$@" }