package compiler

import (

	cueerrors ""
	cuejson ""
	cueyaml ""

var (
	// DefaultCompiler is the default Compiler and is used by Compile
	DefaultCompiler = New()

func Compile(name string, src string) (*Value, error) {
	return DefaultCompiler.Compile(name, src)

func NewValue() *Value {
	return DefaultCompiler.NewValue()

// FIXME can be refactored away now?
func Wrap(v cue.Value) *Value {
	return DefaultCompiler.Wrap(v)

func Err(err error) error {
	return DefaultCompiler.Err(err)

func DecodeJSON(path string, data []byte) (*Value, error) {
	return DefaultCompiler.DecodeJSON(path, data)

func DecodeYAML(path string, data []byte) (*Value, error) {
	return DefaultCompiler.DecodeYAML(path, data)

// Polyfill for a cue runtime
// (we call it compiler to avoid confusion with dagger runtime)
// Use this instead of cue.Runtime
type Compiler struct {
	l sync.RWMutex

func New() *Compiler {
	return &Compiler{
		Context: cuecontext.New(),

func (c *Compiler) lock() {

func (c *Compiler) unlock() {

func (c *Compiler) rlock() {

func (c *Compiler) runlock() {

// Compile an empty value
func (c *Compiler) NewValue() *Value {
	empty, err := c.Compile("", "_")
	if err != nil {
	return empty

func (c *Compiler) Compile(name string, src string) (*Value, error) {
	defer c.unlock()

	v := c.Context.CompileString(src, cue.Filename(name))
	if v.Err() != nil {
		// FIXME: cleaner way to unwrap cue error details?
		return nil, Err(v.Err())
	return c.Wrap(v), nil

func (c *Compiler) DecodeJSON(path string, data []byte) (*Value, error) {
	expr, err := cuejson.Extract(path, data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, Err(err)
	v := c.Context.BuildExpr(expr, cue.Filename(path))
	if err := v.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, Err(err)
	return c.Wrap(v), nil

func (c *Compiler) DecodeYAML(path string, data []byte) (*Value, error) {
	f, err := cueyaml.Extract(path, data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, Err(err)
	v := c.Context.BuildFile(f, cue.Filename(path))
	if err := v.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, Err(err)
	return c.Wrap(v), nil

func (c *Compiler) Wrap(v cue.Value) *Value {
	return &Value{
		val: v,
		cc:  c,

func (c *Compiler) Err(err error) error {
	if err == nil {
		return nil
	return errors.New(cueerrors.Details(err, &cueerrors.Config{}))