# dagger: the devops superglu, by the creators of docker Dagger is an automation platform that lets software teams bind all their tools and infrastructure together into a unified supply chain. Thanks to its vast catalog of adapters, developed in the open and curated for safety and quality, you can drop Dagger into an existing stack *without changing it*, and immediately start automating the most repetitive and complex tasks. And most importantly, Dagger is *programmable*. Thanks to a powerful scripting environment, anyone with basic programming knowledge can extend Dagger with their own custom adapters and workflows. Whether you're a seasoned SRE building a custom PAAS for your organization, a hobbyist on a fun over-engineered week-end project, or a developer trying to setup CICD because, well, someone has to do it.. There's a whole community of fellow automation enthusiasts ready to help you write your first Dagger script. ## Usage examples A few examples of how Dagger is used in the wild: - Deploy a new API to AWS Elastic Container Service while continuing to deploy the main app on Heroku - Deploy lightweight staging environments on-demand for QA, integration testing or product demos. - Run integration tests on a live production-like deployment, automatically, for each pull request. - Deploy the same app on Netlify for testing, and on Kubernetes for production - Replace a 500-line deploy.sh with a 10-line configuration file - Control sprawl of serverless functions on AWS, Google Cloud, Cloudflare, Netlify etc. by gradually moving them to a generic interface, and switching backend at will. - When the ML team uploads a new model to their S3 bucket, automatically incorporate it into staging deployments, but not into production until manual confirmation! - Rotate database credentials, and automatically re-deploy all staging environments with the new credentials. - Allocate cool auto-generated URLs to development instances, and automatically configure your DNS, load-balancer and SSL certificate manager to route traffic to them. - Orchestrate application deployment across 2 infrastructure siloes, one managed with CloudFormation, the other with Terraform. - Migrate from Helm to Kustomize, without disrupting next week's big release. ## Comparison to other automation platforms ### CICD Github, Gitlab, Jenkins, Spinnaker, Tekton ### Build systems Bazel, Nix, Skopeo ### Infrastructure automation Terraform, Pulumi, Ansible ### Traditional scripting Bash, Make, Python ### PaaS Heroku, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Foundry, Openshift ### Kubernetes management Kustomize, Helm, jsonnet ### Gitops Flux, ...