--- slug: /1201/ci-environment displayed_sidebar: '0.2' --- # Integrating with your CI environment Dagger can be used with any CI environment (no migration required) and has two important advantages which make the overall experience less error-prone and more efficient: 1. You don't write YAML, you write [CUE](https://cuelang.org/) - typed configuration with built-in formatting 2. Configuration is executed in [BuildKit](https://github.com/moby/buildkit), the execution engine at the heart of Docker This makes any CI environment with Docker pre-installed work with Dagger out of the box. We started with [CI environments that you told us you are using](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/discussions/1677). We will configure a production deployment for the same application that we covered in the previous page. :::note If you cannot find your CI environment below, [let us know via this GitHub discussion](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/discussions/1677). ::: import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; ```yaml file=../tests/getting-started/github-actions.yml title=".github/workflows/todoapp.yml" ``` If you would like us to document CircleCI next, vote for it here: [dagger#1677](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/discussions/1677) ```yaml .docker: image: docker:${DOCKER_VERSION}-git services: - docker:${DOCKER_VERSION}-dind variables: # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/docker/using_docker_build.html#docker-in-docker-with-tls-enabled-in-the-docker-executor DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2376 DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: '1' DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: '/certs' DOCKER_CERT_PATH: '/certs/client' # Faster than the default, apparently DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 DOCKER_VERSION: '20.10' .dagger: extends: [.docker] variables: DAGGER_VERSION: 0.2.4 DAGGER_LOG_FORMAT: plain DAGGER_CACHE_PATH: .dagger-cache ARGS: '' cache: key: dagger-${CI_JOB_NAME} paths: - ${DAGGER_CACHE_PATH} before_script: - apk add --no-cache curl - | # install dagger cd /usr/local curl -L https://dl.dagger.io/dagger/install.sh | sh cd - dagger version script: - dagger project update - | dagger \ do \ --cache-from type=local,src=${DAGGER_CACHE_PATH} \ --cache-to type=local,mode=max,dest=${DAGGER_CACHE_PATH} \ ${ARGS} build: extends: [.dagger] variables: ARGS: build ``` With `docker` and `dagger` installed on your Jenkins agent. ```groovy pipeline { agent any environment { //https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/jenkinsfile/#handling-credentials //e.g. //DH_CREDS=credentials('jenkins-dockerhub-creds') //AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials('jenkins-aws-secret-key-id') //AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = credentials('jenkins-aws-secret-access-key') } stages { stage("setup") { steps { //only needed if you don't commit the cue.mod directory to git //sh ''' // dagger project init // dagger project update //''' } } stage("do") { steps { //substitute your action name for 'helloworld' //e.g. 'build' or 'push' or whatever you've created! sh 'dagger do helloworld --log-format=plain' } } } } ``` If you would like us to document Tekton next, vote for it here: [dagger#1677](https://github.com/dagger/dagger/discussions/1677)