remove the cloudrun example

Signed-off-by: Tihomir Jovicic <>
This commit is contained in:
Tihomir Jovicic 2021-07-01 09:17:23 +02:00
parent dd73df5ef9
commit ebc05170ea
5 changed files with 0 additions and 424 deletions

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@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
# Dagger Examples
All example commands should be executed in the `examples/` directory
in an up-to-date checkout of the [dagger repository](
## Deploy a static page to S3
This example shows how to generate a simple HTML page and serve it from an S3 bucket.
- [Amazon S3]( for hosting
1. Initialize a new workspace
cd ./simple-s3
dagger init
2. Create a new environment
dagger new simple-s3
cp *.cue ./.dagger/env/simple-s3/plan/
3. Configure your AWS credentials
dagger input secret awsConfig.accessKey MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY
dagger input secret awsConfig.secretKey MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY
4. Specify the source code location
dagger input dir source website
5. Deploy!
dagger up
6. Check the URL
curl -i $(dagger query url -f text)
## Deploy a simple React application
This example shows how to deploy an example React Application. [Read the deployment plan](
Audience: Javascript developers looking to deploy their application.
- [Netlify]( for application hosting
- [Yarn]( for building
- [Github]( for source code hosting
- [React-Todo-App]( by Kabir Baidhya as a sample application.
1. Initialize a new workspace
cd ./react
dagger init
2. Create a new environment
dagger new react
cp *.cue ./.dagger/env/react/plan/
3. Configure the deployment with your Netlify access token.
You can create new tokens from the [Netlify dashboard](
dagger input secret www.account.token MY_TOKEN
_NOTE: there is a dedicated command for encrypted secret inputs, but it is
not yet implemented. Coming soon!_
4. Deploy!
dagger up
## Deploy a complete JAMstack app
This example shows how to deploy a complete app with a backend, a database and a frontend.
This app assumes the following infrastructure is available:
- AWS ECS Cluster
- AWS ALB with a TLS certificate
- AWS RDS Instance (MySQL or PostgreSQL)
- AWS ECR repository
1. Initialize a new workspace
cd ./jamstack
dagger init
2. Create a new environment
dagger new jamstack
cp *.cue ./.dagger/env/jamstack/plan/
3. Edit the inputs
Edit the file `inputs.yaml` and review all values to match to your infrastructure.
Add the inputs to the deployment:
dagger input yaml "" -f ./inputs.yaml
4. Deploy!
dagger up
The example `inputs.yaml` from the `./examples/jamstack` directory takes the source code from a remote git repository, but you can remove this from the file and instead points to a local source code:
dagger input dir backend.source ./my/local/backend/code
And the same mechanism applies for every single key in this file.
5. Get the App URL
dagger query url
## Provision a Kubernetes cluster on AWS
This example shows how to provision a new Kubernetes cluster on AWS, and configure your `kubectl` client to use it. [Read the deployment plan](
Audience: infrastructure teams looking to provisioning kubernetes clusters as part of automated CICD pipelines.
- [Amazon EKS]( for Kubernetes hosting
- [Amazon CloudFormation]( for infrastructure provisioning
- [Kubectl]( as kubernetes client
1. Initialize a new workspace
cd ./kubernetes-aws
dagger init
2. Create a new environment
dagger new kubernetes-aws
cp *.cue ./.dagger/env/kubernetes-aws/plan/
3. Configure the deployment with your AWS credentials
dagger input secret awsConfig.accessKey MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY
dagger input secret awsConfig.secretKey MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY
4. Deploy!
dagger up
5. Export the generated kubectl config
dagger query kubeconfig.kubeconfig | jq . > kubeconfig
## Add HTTP monitoring to your application
This example shows how to implement a robust HTTP(s) monitoring service on top of AWS. [Read the deployment plan](
Audience: application team looking to improve the reliability of their application.
- [Amazon Cloudwatch Synthetics]( for hosting the monitoring scripts
- [Amazon CloudFormation]( for infrastructure provisioning
1. Initialize a new workspace
cd ./monitoring
dagger init
2. Create a new environment
dagger new monitoring
cp *.cue ./.dagger/env/monitoring/plan/
2. Configure the deployment with your AWS credentials
dagger input text awsConfig.accessKey MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY
dagger input text awsConfig.secretKey MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY
3. Configure the monitoring parameters
dagger input text website https://MYWEBSITE.TLD
dagger input text email my_email@my_domain.tld
4. Deploy!
dagger up
## Deploy an application to your Kubernetes cluster
This example shows two different ways to deploy an application to an existing Kubernetes cluster: with and without a Helm chart. Read the deployment plan](
NOTE: this example requires an EKS cluster to allow authentication with your AWS credentials; but can easily be adapter to deploy to any Kubernetes cluster.
- [Amazon EKS]( for Kubernetes hosting
- [Kubectl]( as kubernetes client
- [Helm]( to manage kubernetes configuration (optional)
How to run:
1. Initialize a new workspace
cd ./kubernetes-app
dagger init
2. Create a new environment
dagger new kubernetes-app
cp *.cue ./.dagger/env/kubernetes-app/plan/
3. Configure the deployment with your AWS credentials
dagger input secret awsConfig.accessKey MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY
dagger input secret awsConfig.secretKey MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY
4. Configure the EKS cluster to deploy to
Note: if you have run the `kubernetes-aws` example, you may skip this step.
dagger input text cluster.clusterName MY_CLUSTER_NAME
5. Load the Helm chart
dagger input dir helmChart.chart ./testdata/mychart
6. Deploy!
dagger up
## Deploy an application to GCP Cloud Run
This example shows how to deploy an application to GCP Cloud Run. Read the deployment [plan](
NOTE: this example requires the right GCP IAM permissions: ``
- [Cloud Run](
How to run:
1. Initialize a new workspace
cd ./cloudrun-app
dagger init
2. Create a new environment
dagger new cloudrun-app
cp main.cue ./.dagger/env/cloudrun-app/plan/
3. Configure the Cloud Run service
dagger input text serviceName MY_APP_NAME
dagger input text image MY_GCR_IMAGE_NAME
dagger input text gcpConfig.project MY_GCP_PROJECT
dagger input text gcpConfig.region MY_GCP_REGION
dagger input secret gcpConfig.serviceKey -f MY_GCP_SERVICE_KEY_FILE
4. Deploy!
dagger up

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# The .dockerignore file excludes files from the container build process.
# Exclude locally vendored dependencies.
# Exclude "build-time" ignore files.
# Exclude git history and configuration.

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
# Use the offical golang image to create a binary.
# This is based on Debian and sets the GOPATH to /go.
FROM golang:1.16-buster as builder
# Create and change to the app directory.
# Retrieve application dependencies.
# This allows the container build to reuse cached dependencies.
# Expecting to copy go.mod and if present go.sum.
COPY go.* ./
RUN go mod download
# Copy local code to the container image.
COPY . ./
# Build the binary.
RUN go build -v -o server
# Use the official Debian slim image for a lean production container.
FROM debian:buster-slim
RUN set -x && apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
ca-certificates && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Copy the binary to the production image from the builder stage.
COPY --from=builder /app/server /app/server
# Run the web service on container startup.
CMD ["/app/server"]

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
go 1.16

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
// Sample run-helloworld is a minimal Cloud Run service.
package main
import (
func main() {
log.Print("starting server...")
http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
// Determine port for HTTP service.
port := os.Getenv("PORT")
if port == "" {
port = "8080"
log.Printf("defaulting to port %s", port)
// Start HTTP server.
log.Printf("listening on port %s", port)
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil); err != nil {
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
name := os.Getenv("NAME")
if name == "" {
name = "World"
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello %s!\n", name)