cmd: remove ui package

Signed-off-by: Andrea Luzzardi <>
This commit is contained in:
Andrea Luzzardi 2021-01-13 18:19:36 -08:00
parent f8a2109aba
commit d15ec726cf

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
package ui
import (
var (
// Colorize is the main colorizer
Colorize = colorstring.Colorize{
Colors: colorstring.DefaultColors,
Reset: true,
// Finfo prints an info message to w.
func Finfo(w io.Writer, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, Colorize.Color("[bold][blue]info[reset] %s\n"), fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
// Info prints an info message.
func Info(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
Finfo(os.Stdout, msg, args...)
// Fverbose prints a verbose message to w.
func Fverbose(w io.Writer, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, Colorize.Color("[dim]%s\n"), fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
// Verbose prints a verbose message.
func Verbose(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
Fverbose(os.Stdout, msg, args...)
// Fsuccess prints a success message to w.
func Fsuccess(w io.Writer, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, Colorize.Color("[bold][green]success[reset] %s\n"), fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
// Success prints a success message.
func Success(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
Fsuccess(os.Stdout, msg, args...)
// Fwrror prints an error message to w.
func Ferror(w io.Writer, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, Colorize.Color("[bold][red]error[reset] %s\n"), fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
// Error prints an error message.
func Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
Ferror(os.Stdout, msg, args...)
// Fwarning prints a warning message to w.
func Fwarning(w io.Writer, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, Colorize.Color("[bold][yellow]warning[reset] %s\n"), fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
// Warning prints a warning message.
func Warning(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
Fwarning(os.Stdout, msg, args...)
// Ffatal prints an error message to w and exits.
func Ffatal(w io.Writer, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, Colorize.Color("[bold][red]fatal[reset] %s\n"), fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
// Fatal prints an error message and exits.
func Fatal(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
Ffatal(os.Stderr, msg, args...)
// FfatalErr prints an error object to w and exits.
func FfatalErr(w io.Writer, err error) {
Ffatal(w, "%v", err)
// FatalErr prints an error object and exits.
func FatalErr(err error) {
FfatalErr(os.Stderr, err)
// Small returns a `small` colored string.
func Small(msg string) string {
return Colorize.Color("[dim]" + msg)
// Primary returns a `primary` colored string.
func Primary(msg string) string {
return Colorize.Color("[light_green]" + msg)
// Highlight returns a `highlighted` colored string.
func Highlight(msg string) string {
return Colorize.Color("[cyan]" + msg)
// Truncate truncates a string to the given length
func Truncate(msg string, length int) string {
for utf8.RuneCountInString(msg) > length {
msg = msg[0:len(msg)-4] + "…"
return msg
// HashColor returns a consistent color for a given string
func HashColor(text string) string {
colors := []string{
h := adler32.Checksum([]byte(text))
return colors[int(h)%len(colors)]
// PrintLegend prints a demo of the ui functions
func PrintLegend() {
Info("info message")
Success("success message")
Error("error message")
Warning("warning message")
Verbose("verbose message")
fmt.Printf("this is %s\n", Small("small"))
fmt.Printf("this is %s\n", Primary("primary"))
fmt.Printf("this is a %s\n", Highlight("highlight"))