stdlib/ecr / jamstack: ported to new syntax

Signed-off-by: Sam Alba <>
This commit is contained in:
Sam Alba 2021-04-23 17:29:28 -07:00
parent 07f7c419f0
commit c28199c76e
2 changed files with 11 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -17,12 +17,9 @@ import (
awsConfig: aws.#Config
buildArgs: [string]: string
pushTarget: "\(repository):\(tag)"
// Use these credentials to push
ecrCreds: ecr.#Credentials & {
config: awsConfig
target: pushTarget
ref: {
@ -37,9 +34,16 @@ import (
buildArg: buildArgs
// Login to Registry
op.#DockerLogin & {
target: repository
username: ecrCreds.username
secret: ecrCreds.secret
// Push the image to the registry
op.#PushContainer & {
ref: pushTarget
ref: "\(repository):\(tag)"
auth: ecrCreds.auth
op.#Export & {
source: "/dagger/image_ref"

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@ -7,30 +7,21 @@ import (
// Credentials retriever for ECR
#Credentials: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// Target is the ECR image
target: string
out: dagger.#Secret
// ECR credentials
credentials: dagger.#RegistryCredentials & {
username: "AWS"
secret: out
aws.#Script & {
always: true
"config": config
export: "/out"
code: """
aws ecr get-login-password > /out
// Authentication for ECR Registries
auth: dagger.#RegistryAuth
auth: "\(target)": credentials