Implemented universe/aws and universe/aws/cli

Signed-off-by: Richard Jones <>
This commit is contained in:
Richard Jones 2022-02-11 16:06:26 -07:00
parent 344998c904
commit 2b3f6e832e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: CFB3A382EB166F4C
12 changed files with 430 additions and 9 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ARCH=$(uname -m)
curl -s "${ARCH}-$" -o
unzip -x "aws/dist/awscli/examples/*" "aws/dist/docutils/*"
rm -rf aws /usr/local/aws-cli/v2/*/dist/aws_completer /usr/local/aws-cli/v2/*/dist/awscli/data/ac.index /usr/local/aws-cli/v2/*/dist/awscli/examples

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
// AWS base package
package aws
import (
#DefaultLinuxVersion: "amazonlinux:2.0.20220121.0@sha256:f3a37f84f2644095e2c6f6fdf2bf4dbf68d5436c51afcfbfa747a5de391d5d62"
#DefaultCliVersion: "2.4.12"
// Build provides a docker.#Image with the aws cli pre-installed to Amazon Linux 2.
// Can be customized with packages, and can be used with docker.#Run for executing custom scripts.
// Used by default with aws.#Run
#Build: {
docker.#Build & {
steps: [
docker.#Pull & {
source: #DefaultLinuxVersion
// cache yum install separately
docker.#Run & {
command: {
name: "yum"
args: ["install", "unzip", "-y"]
docker.#Run & {
command: {
name: "/scripts/"
args: [version]
mounts: scripts: {
dest: "/scripts"
contents: _scripts.output
_scripts: dagger.#Source & {
path: "_scripts"
// The version of the AWS CLI to install
version: string | *#DefaultCliVersion
// Credentials provides long or short-term credentials.
#Credentials: {
// AWS access key
accessKeyId?: dagger.#Secret
// AWS secret key
secretAccessKey?: dagger.#Secret
// AWS session token (provided with temporary credentials)
sessionToken?: dagger.#Secret
// Region provides a schema to validate acceptable region value.
#Region: "us-east-2" | "us-east-1" | "us-west-1" | "us-west-2" | "af-south-1" | "ap-east-1" | "ap-southeast-3" | "ap-south-1" | "ap-northeast-3" | "ap-northeast-2" | "ap-southeast-1" | "ap-southeast-2" | "ap-northeast-1" | "ca-central-1" | "cn-north-1" | "cn-northwest-1" | "eu-central-1" | "eu-west-1" | "eu-west-2" | "eu-south-1" | "eu-west-3" | "eu-north-1" | "me-south-1" | "sa-east-1"
// Container a standalone environment pre-configured with credentials and .aws/config
#Container: {
// _build provides the default image
_build: #Build
// configFile provides access to a config file, typically found in ~/.aws/config
configFile?: dagger.#FS
// credentials provides long or short-term credentials
credentials: #Credentials
docker.#Run & {
input: docker.#Image | *_build.output
env: {
// pass credentials as env vars
if credentials.accessKeyId != _|_ {
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: credentials.accessKeyId
if credentials.secretAccessKey != _|_ {
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: credentials.secretAccessKey
if credentials.sessionToken != _|_ {
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: credentials.sessionToken
if configFile != _|_ {
mounts: aws: {
contents: configFile
dest: "/aws"
ro: true
env: AWS_CONFIG_FILE: "/aws/config"

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
package cli
import (
// Command provides a declarative interface to the AWS CLI
#Command: {
// "register" output.txt
export: files: "/output.txt": _
// Global arguments passed to the aws cli.
options: {
// Turn on debug logging.
debug?: bool
// Override command's default URL with the given URL.
"endpoint-url"?: string
// By default, the AWS CLI uses SSL when communicating with AWS services.
// For each SSL connection, the AWS CLI will verify SSL certificates. This
// option overrides the default behavior of verifying SSL certificates.
"no-verify-ssl"?: bool
// Disable automatic pagination.
"no-paginate"?: bool
// The formatting style for command output.
output: *"json" | "text" | "table" | "yaml" | "yaml-stream"
// A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data.
query?: string
// Use a specific profile from your credential file.
profile?: string
// The region to use. Overrides config/env settings.
region?: string
// Display the version of this tool.
version?: bool
// Turn on/off color output.
color?: "off" | "on" | "auto"
// Do not sign requests. Credentials will not be loaded if this argument
// is provided.
"no-sign-request"?: bool
// The CA certificate bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. Over-
// rides config/env settings.
"ca-bundle"?: string
// The maximum socket read time in seconds. If the value is set to 0, the
// socket read will be blocking and not timeout. The default value is 60
// seconds.
"cli-read-timeout"?: int
// The maximum socket connect time in seconds. If the value is set to 0,
// the socket connect will be blocking and not timeout. The default value
// is 60 seconds.
"cli-connect-timeout"?: int
// The formatting style to be used for binary blobs. The default format is
// base64. The base64 format expects binary blobs to be provided as a
// base64 encoded string. The raw-in-base64-out format preserves compati-
// bility with AWS CLI V1 behavior and binary values must be passed liter-
// ally. When providing contents from a file that map to a binary blob
// fileb:// will always be treated as binary and use the file contents
// directly regardless of the cli-binary-format setting. When using
// file:// the file contents will need to properly formatted for the con-
// figured cli-binary-format.
"cli-binary-format"?: "base64" | "raw-in-base64-out"
// Disable cli pager for output.
"no-cli-pager": true
// Automatically prompt for CLI input parameters.
"cli-auto-prompt"?: bool
// Disable automatically prompt for CLI input parameters.
"no-cli-auto-prompt"?: bool
// Result will contain the cli output. If unmarshal is set to false this will be the raw string as provided by the aws cli command. If unmarshal is set to true this will be a map as returned by json.Unmarshal.
_unmarshalable: string | number | bool | null | [..._unmarshalable] | {[string]: _unmarshalable}
result: _unmarshalable
if unmarshal != false {
options: output: "json"
result: json.Unmarshal(export.files["/output.txt"])
if unmarshal == false {
result: export.files["/output.txt"]
// The service to run the command against.
service: {
args: [...string]
name: "accessanalyzer" | "account" | "acm" | "acm-pca" | "alexaforbusiness" | "amp" | "amplify" | "amplifybackend" | "amplifyuibuilder" | "apigateway" | "apigatewaymanagementapi" | "apigatewayv2" | "appconfig" | "appconfigdata" | "appflow" | "appintegrations" | "application-autoscaling" | "application-insights" | "applicationcostprofiler" | "appmesh" | "apprunner" | "appstream" | "appsync" | "athena" | "auditmanager" | "autoscaling" | "autoscaling-plans" | "backup" | "backup-gateway" | "batch" | "braket" | "budgets" | "ce" | "chime" | "chime-sdk-identity" | "chime-sdk-meetings" | "chime-sdk-messaging" | "cli-dev" | "cloud9" | "cloudcontrol" | "clouddirectory" | "cloudformation" | "cloudfront" | "cloudhsm" | "cloudtrail" | "cloudwatch" | "codeartifact" | "codebuild" | "codecommit" | "codeguru-reviewer" | "codeguruprofiler" | "codepipeline" | "codestar" | "codestar-connections" | "codestar-notifications" | "cognito-identity" | "cognito-idp" | "cognito-sync" | "comprehend" | "comprehendmedical" | "compute-optimizer" | "configservice" | "configure" | "connect" | "connect-contact-lens" | "connectparticipant" | "cur" | "customer-profiles" | "databrew" | "dataexchange" | "datapipeline" | "datasync" | "dax" | "ddb" | "deploy" | "detective" | "devicefarm" | "devops-guru" | "directconnect" | "discovery" | "dlm" | "dms" | "docdb" | "drs" | "ds" | "dynamodb" | "dynamodbstreams" | "ebs" | "ec2" | "ec2-instance-connect" | "ecr" | "ecr-public" | "ecs" | "efs" | "eks" | "elastic-inference" | "elasticache" | "elasticbeanstalk" | "elastictranscoder" | "elb" | "elbv2" | "emr" | "emr-containers" | "es" | "events" | "evidently" | "finspace" | "finspace-data" | "firehose" | "fis" | "fms" | "forecast" | "forecastquery" | "frauddetector" | "fsx" | "gamelift" | "glacier" | "globalaccelerator" | "glue" | "grafana" | "greengrass" | "greengrassv2" | "groundstation" | "guardduty" | "health" | "healthlake" | "help" | "history" | "honeycode" | "iam" | "identitystore" | "imagebuilder" | "importexport" | "inspector" | "inspector2" | "iot" | "iot-data" | "iot-jobs-data" | "iot1click-devices" | "iot1click-projects" | "iotanalytics" | "iotdeviceadvisor" | "iotevents" | "iotevents-data" | "iotfleethub" | "iotsecuretunneling" | "iotsitewise" | "iotthingsgraph" | "iottwinmaker" | "iotwireless" | "ivs" | "kafka" | "kafkaconnect" | "kendra" | "kinesis" | "kinesis-video-archived-media" | "kinesis-video-media" | "kinesis-video-signaling" | "kinesisanalytics" | "kinesisanalyticsv2" | "kinesisvideo" | "kms" | "lakeformation" | "lambda" | "lex-models" | "lex-runtime" | "lexv2-models" | "lexv2-runtime" | "license-manager" | "lightsail" | "location" | "logs" | "lookoutequipment" | "lookoutmetrics" | "lookoutvision" | "machinelearning" | "macie" | "macie2" | "managedblockchain" | "marketplace-catalog" | "marketplace-entitlement" | "marketplacecommerceanalytics" | "mediaconnect" | "mediaconvert" | "medialive" | "mediapackage" | "mediapackage-vod" | "mediastore" | "mediastore-data" | "mediatailor" | "memorydb" | "meteringmarketplace" | "mgh" | "mgn" | "migration-hub-refactor-spaces" | "migrationhub-config" | "migrationhubstrategy" | "mobile" | "mq" | "mturk" | "mwaa" | "neptune" | "network-firewall" | "networkmanager" | "nimble" | "opensearch" | "opsworks" | "opsworks-cm" | "organizations" | "outposts" | "panorama" | "personalize" | "personalize-events" | "personalize-runtime" | "pi" | "pinpoint" | "pinpoint-email" | "pinpoint-sms-voice" | "polly" | "pricing" | "proton" | "qldb" | "qldb-session" | "quicksight" | "ram" | "rbin" | "rds" | "rds-data" | "redshift" | "redshift-data" | "rekognition" | "resiliencehub" | "resource-groups" | "resourcegroupstaggingapi" | "robomaker" | "route53" | "route53-recovery-cluster" | "route53-recovery-control-config" | "route53-recovery-readiness" | "route53domains" | "route53resolver" | "rum" | "s3" | "s3api" | "s3control" | "s3outposts" | "sagemaker" | "sagemaker-a2i-runtime" | "sagemaker-edge" | "sagemaker-featurestore-runtime" | "sagemaker-runtime" | "savingsplans" | "schemas" | "sdb" | "secretsmanager" | "securityhub" | "serverlessrepo" | "service-quotas" | "servicecatalog" | "servicecatalog-appregistry" | "servicediscovery" | "ses" | "sesv2" | "shield" | "signer" | "sms" | "snow-device-management" | "snowball" | "sns" | "sqs" | "ssm" | "ssm-contacts" | "ssm-incidents" | "sso" | "sso-admin" | "sso-oidc" | "stepfunctions" | "storagegateway" | "sts" | "support" | "swf" | "synthetics" | "textract" | "timestream-query" | "timestream-write" | "transcribe" | "transfer" | "translate" | "voice-id" | "waf" | "waf-regional" | "wafv2" | "wellarchitected" | "wisdom" | "workdocs" | "worklink" | "workmail" | "workmailmessageflow" | "workspaces" | "workspaces-web" | "xray" | ""
command: string
// unmarshal determines whether to automatically json.Unmarshal() the command result. If set to true, the output field will be set to "json" and the command output will be Unmarshaled to result:
unmarshal: false | *true
aws.#Container & {
always: true
_optionArgs: list.FlattenN([
for k, v in options {
if (v & bool) != _|_ {
if (v & string) != _|_ {
["--\(k)", v]
], 1)
command: {
name: "/bin/sh"
flags: "-c": strings.Join(["aws"]+_optionArgs+[, service.command]+service.args+[">", "/output.txt"], " ")

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package test
import (
dagger.#Plan & {
inputs: secrets: sops: command: {
name: "sops"
args: ["-d", "--extract", "[\"AWS\"]", "../../../secrets_sops.yaml"]
actions: {
sopsSecrets: dagger.#DecodeSecret & {
format: "yaml"
input: inputs.secrets.sops.contents
getCallerIdentity: cli.#Command & {
credentials: aws.#Credentials & {
accessKeyId: sopsSecrets.output.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.contents
secretAccessKey: sopsSecrets.output.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.contents
options: region: "us-east-2"
service: {
name: "sts"
command: "get-caller-identity"
verify: getCallerIdentity.result & {
UserId: !~"^$"
Account: !~"^$"
Arn: !~"^$"

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
setup() {
load '../../../bats_helpers'
@test "aws/cli" {
dagger up ./sts_get_caller_identity.cue

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
[profile ci]
credential_source = Environment
region = us-east-2
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::125635003186:role/dagger-ci

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package test
import (
dagger.#Plan & {
inputs: {
directories: awsConfig: {
path: "./"
include: ["config"]
secrets: sops: command: {
name: "sops"
args: ["-d", "--extract", "[\"AWS\"]", "../../secrets_sops.yaml"]
actions: {
sopsSecrets: dagger.#DecodeSecret & {
format: "yaml"
input: inputs.secrets.sops.contents
getCallerIdentity: aws.#Container & {
always: true
configFile: inputs.directories.awsConfig.contents
credentials: aws.#Credentials & {
accessKeyId: sopsSecrets.output.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.contents
secretAccessKey: sopsSecrets.output.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.contents
command: {
name: "sh"
flags: "-c": "aws --profile ci sts get-caller-identity > /output.txt"
export: files: "/output.txt": _
verify: json.Unmarshal(getCallerIdentity.export.files."/output.txt") & {
UserId: string
Account: =~"^12[0-9]{8}86$"
Arn: =~"^arn:aws:sts::(12[0-9]{8}86):assumed-role/dagger-ci"

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package test
import (
dagger.#Plan & {
inputs: secrets: sops: command: {
name: "sops"
args: ["-d", "--extract", "[\"AWS\"]", "../../secrets_sops.yaml"]
actions: {
sopsSecrets: dagger.#DecodeSecret & {
format: "yaml"
input: inputs.secrets.sops.contents
getCallerIdentity: aws.#Container & {
always: true
credentials: aws.#Credentials & {
accessKeyId: sopsSecrets.output.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.contents
secretAccessKey: sopsSecrets.output.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.contents
command: {
name: "sh"
flags: "-c": "aws --region us-east-2 sts get-caller-identity > /output.txt"
export: files: "/output.txt": _
verify: json.Unmarshal(getCallerIdentity.export.files."/output.txt") & {
UserId: string & !~"^$"
Account: =~"^12[0-9]{8}86$"
Arn: =~"(12[0-9]{8}86)"

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package test
import (
dagger.#Plan & {
actions: {
build: aws.#Build
getVersion: docker.#Run & {
always: true
input: build.output
command: {
name: "sh"
flags: "-c": "aws --version > /output.txt"
export: files: "/output.txt": =~"^aws-cli/\(aws.#DefaultCliVersion)"

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
setup() {
load '../../bats_helpers'
@test "aws" {
dagger up ./default_version.cue
dagger up ./credentials.cue
dagger up ./config_file.cue

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
TestPAT: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:KYPnJTTCaEbEiBwODMDmOmZGx/Vu/4mOZPfRSjhBc239fPfHzDH75w==,iv:j9UFKfdRMfYg/3xw4dCoWbs0Zoy3czqRznlQrRvf4Sc=,tag:Pvd4UMFDOj8rLOwZJjsYpA==,type:str] TestPAT: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:tLrYG8WCZah93gWkvltLzvxAhB1Tj7fmPZ/iZac8bjMo0+y74bq1qg==,iv:UD9s7flTy/FvW+NHg82l1xJruXldnSCRlRQpg5z7WO8=,tag:v35hzseqeY7V3P7J/hg28w==,type:str]
DOCKERHUB_TOKEN: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:Nfk3PWIFHSJ73HqZmk1qG2x2A5TCZwnCez/hZJBdqG25c6D1,iv:eI7imptDvZOQdjMEfqsZAr4dXsd6fQKuXM0O9nZUBUs=,tag:Zvs0oiBYQOrSUv2a88h2Vw==,type:str] DOCKERHUB_TOKEN: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:ZWXFsmZI/uf5VT/1Se4lvON4AK349sXclWI+kZrzabj7447U,iv:eTj0xRSwMjUUrokpIr7UohC07cO69WAsxO/NZXSsmLw=,tag:PjHp/PnIDL/dx4cjESpJgQ==,type:str]
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:jH9qw1DFauiOILteQJP4hbcAL/A=,iv:4WBQsGoQtApT7vUgIjopq4dC1KME9wQU1I7oj6KQy/E=,tag:WbSDp5rFEVgmqprY+RcBuw==,type:str]
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:oR+i0k/escdAGX0hUWTpGGQvbbiU4BWlb3983lpcA1tI1egTj6Nmpg==,iv:iXPaZvjg03htTPiOMER5+iLP2qzdOJTfnq7xSHbFTAs=,tag:fa66HZubWdceC864bjXoDQ==,type:str]
sops: sops:
kms: [] kms: []
gcp_kms: [] gcp_kms: []
@ -9,14 +12,14 @@ sops:
- recipient: age1gxwmtwahzwdmrskhf90ppwlnze30lgpm056kuesrxzeuyclrwvpsupwtpk - recipient: age1gxwmtwahzwdmrskhf90ppwlnze30lgpm056kuesrxzeuyclrwvpsupwtpk
enc: | enc: |
YWdlLWVuY3J5cHRpb24ub3JnL3YxCi0+IFgyNTUxOSBnUEhWbjV3M29oUUJyWk81 YWdlLWVuY3J5cHRpb24ub3JnL3YxCi0+IFgyNTUxOSBVaUprdU9CUFpGdFRTazA5
Wk1WQ1E0cmtuVlhNSGxkWUM3WmJXdUYvbzAwCjlFWW9IVmtmTjY1aU1LR2lxWFlT Wll2RzVjUlhvRUVDbU1aVVhKV204Wjg3azFVCmdhYXZFTEl2TGFPTk83cmxjK2hM
TG5YUDlFVzlRRFBCdEhsNVlVK1dMRTgKx1TPZWWQiaU8iMni03/ekG+m4rFCcaa4 eUt4NEUyVXVaa1FBVWhoeEJSTVpiWnMKJXNDKz9mf7zmb1oJ9BXgkDDfz2QUg/fJ
JI+ED2d+8411BgZtlss/ukQtwskidvYTvetyWw2jes6o1lhfDv5q2A== Sx2jlW7s1TuiH8GeL4jxw5Euh0DFw6YZO9j05dcygJslZWtLopUHAQ==
lastmodified: "2021-12-23T01:03:48Z" lastmodified: "2022-02-18T17:21:55Z"
mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:ExJbBZ0tcAituM/rGZnndXPE7eXqgyo4kjgg2QxL/aYL0posX6Th0e4P9nYng36oeG86CPtlnxrPyKneP3swfOTktAvJP5GP7omNNYlyBgxui2/N9KeXAT74sLvR2MMWrpLUI+TaYHRwv7kIc9cbtWSyrFWVv/rEv4to+i5CEF4=,iv:2FiLnOuUHJciPyk9PgtLIkV7RuHu+9yqlQbs0d9eot4=,tag:i+H2jL1LO7KSQ9gFEMxSzw==,type:str] mac: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:50O/LO+8z+Dqm3wx8xaJGyL+nQ3KShQgDAYnV+GEjaacwBGhPSbwK5M/JxR98mq0PlikbHl0cv5CfUpvkShIuTdrz68QSsxn1KcVgiJeW5s8v2+0dJGEjOzy8ASnHm3uG0msB6cD00hrECc7htjaHCWk55cMlKliGUNNAh5Q28g=,iv:IujDY2mWrhfQNI1D40hev4yFNiqQSv8k4KN7kvpe7LQ=,tag:DfvoOkSxX1YIWPqAY31ifA==,type:str]
pgp: [] pgp: []
unencrypted_suffix: _unencrypted unencrypted_suffix: _unencrypted
version: 3.7.1 version: 3.7.1