@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ You can create new tokens from the [Netlify dashboard](
dagger input text www.account.token MY_TOKEN
dagger input text www.account.token MY_TOKEN
*NOTE: there is a dedicated command for encrypted secret inputs, but it is
_NOTE: there is a dedicated command for encrypted secret inputs, but it is
not yet implemented. Coming soon!*
not yet implemented. Coming soon!_
4. Deploy!
4. Deploy!
@ -44,6 +44,53 @@ not yet implemented. Coming soon!*
dagger up
dagger up
## Deploy a complete JAMstack app
This example shows how to deploy a complete app with a backend, a database and a frontend.
This app assumes the following infrastructure is available:
- AWS ECS Cluster
- AWS ALB with a TLS certificate
- AWS RDS Instance (MySQL or PostgreSQL)
- AWS ECR repository
1. Prepare the app configuration
Edit the file `./examples/jamstack/app_config.cue` and review all values to match to your own needs.
2. Login your local docker daemon to ECR
_This step is temporary and will be removed soon (gh issue #301)._
aws ecr get-login-password --region "$AWS_REGION" | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin "${AWS_ID}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION}"
3. Deploy!
cd ./examples/jamstack
dagger new
dagger up
The example `app_config.cue` from the `./examples/jamstack` directory takes the source code from a remote git repository,
but you can remove this from the file and instead points to a local source code:
dagger input dir backend.source ./my/local/backend/code
And the same mechanism applies for every single key in this file.
4. Get the App URL
dagger query url
## Provision a Kubernetes cluster on AWS
## Provision a Kubernetes cluster on AWS
@ -79,7 +126,6 @@ dagger input text awsConfig.accessKey MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY
dagger input text awsConfig.secretKey MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY
dagger input text awsConfig.secretKey MY_AWS_SECRET_KEY
4. Deploy!
4. Deploy!
@ -103,7 +149,6 @@ Components:
- [Amazon Cloudwatch Synthetics]( for hosting the monitoring scripts
- [Amazon Cloudwatch Synthetics]( for hosting the monitoring scripts
- [Amazon CloudFormation]( for infrastructure provisioning
- [Amazon CloudFormation]( for infrastructure provisioning
1. Change the current directory to the example deployment plan
1. Change the current directory to the example deployment plan
@ -142,7 +187,6 @@ dagger input text email my_email@my_domain.tld
dagger up
dagger up
## Deploy an application to your Kubernetes cluster
## Deploy an application to your Kubernetes cluster
This example shows two different ways to deploy an application to an existing Kubernetes cluster: with and without a Helm chart. Read the deployment plan](
This example shows two different ways to deploy an application to an existing Kubernetes cluster: with and without a Helm chart. Read the deployment plan](
@ -157,7 +201,6 @@ Components:
How to run:
How to run:
1. Change the current directory to the example deployment plan
1. Change the current directory to the example deployment plan
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package main
import (
name: "my-app"
// DISCLAIMER: all values below are fake and are provided as examples
infra: {
awsConfig: {
region: "us-east-1"
vpcId: "vpc-020ctgv0bcde4242"
ecrRepository: ""
ecsClusterName: "bl-ecs-acme-764-ECSCluster-lRIVVg09G4HX"
elbListenerArn: "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:8563296674124:listener/app/bl-ec-ECSAL-OSYI03K07BCO/3c2d3e78347bde5b/d02ac88cc007e24e"
rdsAdminSecretArn: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:8563296674124:secret:AdminPassword-NQbBi7oU4CYS9-IGgS3B"
rdsInstanceArn: "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:8563296674124:cluster:bl-rds-acme-764-rdscluster-8eg3xbfjggkfdg"
netlifyAccount: token: "<REPLACE WITH NETLIFY TOKEN>"
database: dbType: "mysql"
backend: {
source: git.#Repository & {
remote: ""
ref: "HEAD"
subdir: "./crate/code/api"
// DNS needs to be already configured to the ALB load-balancer
// and a valid certificate needs to be configured for that listener
hostname: "\(name)"
container: {
healthCheckPath: "/health-check"
healthCheckTimeout: 40
frontend: {
source: git.#Repository & {
remote: ""
ref: "HEAD"
subdir: "./crate/code/web"
writeEnvFile: ".env"
yarn: {
buildDir: "public"
script: "build:client"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package main
import (
// Backend configuration
backend: {
// Source code to build this container
source: dagger.#Artifact
// Container environment variables
environment: [string]: string
// Public hostname (need to match the master domain configures on the loadbalancer)
hostname: string
// Container configuration
container: {
// Desired number of running containers
desiredCount: *1 | int
// Time to wait for the HTTP timeout to complete
healthCheckTimeout: *10 | int
// HTTP Path to perform the healthcheck request (HTTP Get)
healthCheckPath: *"/" | string
// Number of times the health check needs to fail before recycling the container
healthCheckUnhealthyThreshold: *2 | int
// Port used by the process inside the container
port: *80 | int
// Memory to allocate
memory: *1024 | int
// Override the default container command
command: [...string]
// Custom dockerfile path
dockerfilePath: *"" | string
// docker build args
dockerBuildArgs: [string]: string
// Init container runs only once when the main container starts
initContainer: {
command: [...string]
environment: [string]: string
// Backend deployment logic
backend: {
let slug = name
// Docker image built from source, pushed to ECR
image: #ECRImage & {
source: backend.source
repository: infra.ecrRepository
tag: slug
awsConfig: infra.awsConfig
if backend.container.dockerfilePath != "" {
dockerfilePath: backend.container.dockerfilePath
buildArgs: backend.container.dockerBuildArgs
// Creates an ECS Task + Service + deploy via Cloudformation
app: #ECSApp & {
awsConfig: infra.awsConfig
"slug": slug
clusterName: infra.ecsClusterName
vpcId: infra.vpcId
elbListenerArn: infra.elbListenerArn
if infra.ecsTaskRoleArn != _|_ {
taskRoleArn: infra.ecsTaskRoleArn
hostname: backend.hostname
healthCheck: {
timeout: backend.container.healthCheckTimeout
path: backend.container.healthCheckPath
unhealthyThresholdCount: backend.container.healthCheckUnhealthyThreshold
desiredCount: backend.container.desiredCount
container: {
command: backend.container.command
environment: backend.environment
port: backend.container.port
memory: backend.container.memory
"image": image.ref
// Optional container to run one-time during the deploy (eg. db migration)
if len(backend.initContainer.command) > 0 {
initContainer: ecs.#RunTask & {
config: infra.awsConfig
containerName: slug
cluster: infra.ecsClusterName
if infra.ecsTaskRoleArn != _|_ {
roleArn: infra.ecsTaskRoleArn
containerEnvironment: backend.initContainer.environment
containerCommand: backend.initContainer.command
taskArn: app.taskArn
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package main
import (
database: {
let slug = name
dbType: "mysql" | "postgresql"
db: rds.#CreateDB & {
config: infra.awsConfig
name: slug
dbArn: infra.rdsInstanceArn
"dbType": dbType
secretArn: infra.rdsAdminSecretArn
user: rds.#CreateUser & {
config: infra.awsConfig
dbArn: infra.rdsInstanceArn
"dbType": dbType
secretArn: infra.rdsAdminSecretArn
username: slug
// FIXME: make it secure (generate infra side?)
password: base64.Encode(null, "pwd-\(slug)")
grantDatabase: db.out
instance: rds.#Instance & {
config: infra.awsConfig
dbArn: infra.rdsInstanceArn
hostname: instance.hostname
port: instance.port
dbName: db.out
username: user.out
password: user.password
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package main
import (
// Build an image and push it to ECR
#ECRImage: {
source: dagger.#Artifact
// Path of the Dockerfile
dockerfilePath?: string
repository: string
tag: string
awsConfig: aws.#Config
buildArgs: [string]: string
pushTarget: "\(repository):\(tag)"
// Build the image
buildImage: op.#DockerBuild & {
context: source
if dockerfilePath != _|_ {
"dockerfilePath": dockerfilePath
buildArg: buildArgs
// Use these credentials to push
ecrCreds: ecr.#Credentials & {
config: awsConfig
target: pushTarget
push: #up: [
op.#DockerBuild & {
context: source
if dockerfilePath != _|_ {
"dockerfilePath": dockerfilePath
buildArg: buildArgs
op.#PushContainer & {
ref: pushTarget
// FIXME: ref does not include the sha256:
ref: pushTarget
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
package main
import (
#ECSApp: {
awsConfig: aws.#Config
slug: string
clusterName: string
vpcId: string
elbListenerArn: string
taskRoleArn: *"" | string
hostname: string
healthCheck: {
timeout: *10 | int
path: *"/" | string
unhealthyThresholdCount: *2 | int
desiredCount: int
container: {
command: [...string]
environment: [string]: string
port: *80 | int
cpu: *256 | int
memory: *1024 | int
image: string
taskArn: cfnStack.outputs.TaskArn
elbRulePriority: elb.#RandomRulePriority & {
config: awsConfig
listenerArn: elbListenerArn
vhost: hostname
cfnStack: cloudformation.#Stack & {
config: awsConfig
stackName: slug
onFailure: "DO_NOTHING"
parameters: {
ELBRulePriority: elbRulePriority.out
ImageRef: container.image
ELBListenerArn: elbListenerArn
source: json.Marshal(template)
template: {
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "Dagger deployed app"
Parameters: {
ELBRulePriority: Type: "Number"
ImageRef: Type: "String"
ELBListenerArn: Type: "String"
Resources: {
ECSTaskDefinition: {
Type: "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition"
Properties: {
Cpu: "\(container.cpu)"
Memory: "\(container.memory)"
if taskRoleArn != "" {
TaskRoleArn: taskRoleArn
NetworkMode: "bridge"
ContainerDefinitions: [{
if len(container.command) > 0 {
Command: container.command
Name: slug
Image: Ref: "ImageRef"
Essential: true
Environment: [ for k, v in container.environment {
Name: k
Value: v
PortMappings: [{
ContainerPort: container.port
StopTimeout: 5
LogConfiguration: {
LogDriver: "awslogs"
Options: {
"awslogs-group": "bl/provider/ecs/\(clusterName)"
"awslogs-region": Ref: "AWS::Region"
"awslogs-create-group": "true"
"awslogs-stream-prefix": slug
ECSListenerRule: {
Type: "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule"
Properties: {
ListenerArn: Ref: "ELBListenerArn"
Priority: Ref: "ELBRulePriority"
Conditions: [{
Field: "host-header"
Values: [hostname]}]
Actions: [{
Type: "forward"
TargetGroupArn: Ref: "ECSTargetGroup"
ECSTargetGroup: {
Type: "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup"
Properties: {
Protocol: "HTTP"
VpcId: vpcId
Port: 80
HealthCheckPath: healthCheck.path
UnhealthyThresholdCount: healthCheck.unhealthyThresholdCount
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: healthCheck.timeout
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: healthCheck.timeout + 1
HealthyThresholdCount: 3
TargetGroupAttributes: [{
Value: "10"
Key: "deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds"
ECSService: {
Type: "AWS::ECS::Service"
Properties: {
Cluster: clusterName
DesiredCount: desiredCount
LaunchType: "EC2"
LoadBalancers: [{
ContainerPort: container.port
TargetGroupArn: Ref: "ECSTargetGroup"
ContainerName: slug
ServiceName: slug
TaskDefinition: Ref: "ECSTaskDefinition"
DeploymentConfiguration: {
DeploymentCircuitBreaker: {
Enable: true
Rollback: true
MaximumPercent: 200
MinimumHealthyPercent: 100
DependsOn: "ECSListenerRule"
Outputs: TaskArn: Value: Ref: "ECSTaskDefinition"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package main
import (
frontend: {
// Source code to build the app
source: dagger.#Artifact
writeEnvFile?: string
// Yarn Build
yarn: {
// Run this yarn script
script: string | *"build"
// Read build output from this directory
// (path must be relative to working directory).
buildDir: string | *"build"
// Build environment variables
environment: [string]: string
environment: NODE_ENV: string | *"production"
environment: APP_URL: "https://\(name)"
frontend: {
app: react.#App & {
source: frontend.source
env: frontend.environment
if frontend.writeEnvFile != _|_ {
writeEnvFile: frontend.writeEnvFile
yarn: {
script: frontend.yarn.script
buildDir: frontend.yarn.buildDir
// Host the application with Netlify
site: netlify.#Site & {
"name": name
account: infra.netlifyAccount
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package main
import (
infra: {
// AWS auth & default region
awsConfig: aws.#Config
// VPC Id
vpcId: string
// ECR Image repository
ecrRepository: string
// ECS cluster name
ecsClusterName: string
// Execution Role ARN used for all tasks running on the cluster
ecsTaskRoleArn?: string
// ELB listener ARN
elbListenerArn: string
// Secret ARN for the admin password of the RDS Instance
rdsAdminSecretArn: string
// ARN of the RDS Instance
rdsInstanceArn: string
// Netlify credentials
netlifyAccount: netlify.#Account
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package main
// Name of the application
name: string & =~"[a-z0-9-]+"
// Inject db info in the container environment
backend: environment: {
DB_USERNAME: database.username
DB_HOSTNAME: database.hostname
DB_PASSWORD: database.password
DB_DBNAME: database.dbName
DB_PORT: "\(database.port)"
DB_TYPE: database.dbType
// Configure the frontend with the API URL
frontend: environment: APP_URL_API: url.backendURL
url: {
backendURL: "https://\(backend.hostname)/"
@ -18,14 +18,94 @@ import (
// Re-usable aws-cli component
// Re-usable aws-cli component
#CLI: {
#CLI: {
package: [string]: string
#up: [
#up: [
op.#Load & {
op.#Load & {
from: alpine.#Image & {
from: alpine.#Image & {
package: bash: "=5.1.0-r0"
"package": package
package: jq: "=1.6-r1"
"package": bash: "=5.1.0-r0"
package: curl: "=7.74.0-r1"
"package": jq: "=1.6-r1"
package: "aws-cli": "=1.18.177-r0"
"package": curl: "=7.74.0-r1"
"package": "aws-cli": "=1.18.177-r0"
// Helper for writing scripts based on AWS CLI
#Script: {
// AWS code
config: #Config
// Script code (bash)
code: string
// Extra pkgs to install
package: [string]: string
// Files to mount
files: [string]: string
// Env variables
env: [string]: string
// Export file
export: string
// Always execute the script?
always?: bool
out: {
#up: [
op.#Load & {
from: #CLI & {
"package": package
op.#Mkdir & {
path: "/inputs"
for k, v in files {
op.#WriteFile & {
dest: k
content: v
op.#WriteFile & {
dest: "/"
content: code
op.#Exec & {
if always != _|_ {
"always": always
args: [
"env": env
"env": {
AWS_CONFIG_FILE: "/cache/aws/config"
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: config.accessKey
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: config.secretKey
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: config.region
AWS_REGION: config.region
mount: "/cache/aws": "cache"
op.#Export & {
source: export
format: "string"
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import (
op.#Exec & {
op.#Exec & {
always: true
args: [
args: [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package ecr
import (
// Credentials retriever for ECR
#Credentials: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// Target is the ECR image
target: string
out: dagger.#Secret
// ECR credentials
credentials: dagger.#RegistryCredentials & {
username: "AWS"
secret: out
aws.#Script & {
"config": config
export: "/out"
code: """
aws ecr get-login-password > /out
// Authentication for ECR Registries
auth: dagger.#RegistryAuth
auth: "\(target)": credentials
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package ecs
import (
// RunTask implement ecs run-task
#RunTask: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// ECS cluster name
cluster: string
// Arn of the task to run
taskArn: string
// Environment variables of the task
containerEnvironment: [string]: string
// Container name
containerName: string
// Container command to give
containerCommand: [...string]
// Task role ARN
roleArn: string | *""
containerOverrides: {
containerOverrides: [{
name: containerName
if len(containerCommand) > 0 {
command: containerCommand
if len(containerEnvironment) > 0 {
environment: [ for k, v in containerEnvironment {
name: k
value: v
if roleArn != "" {
taskRoleArn: roleArn
aws.#Script & {
"config": config
export: "/out"
files: {
"/inputs/cluster": cluster
"/inputs/task_arn": taskArn
"/inputs/container_overrides": containerOverrides
code: #"""
cat /inputs/container_overrides | jq
aws ecs run-task \
--cluster "$(cat /inputs/cluster)" \
--task-definition "$(cat /inputs/task_arn)" \
--overrides "$(cat /inputs/container_overrides)" \
> /out
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package elb
import (
// Returns a non-taken rule priority (randomized)
#RandomRulePriority: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// ListenerArn
listenerArn: string
// Optional vhost for reusing priorities
vhost?: string
// exported priority
out: string
aws.#Script & {
// FIXME: we should not rely on the cache for this but it's being
// executed several times if enabled:
// always: true
files: {
"/inputs/listenerArn": listenerArn
if vhost != _|_ {
"/inputs/vhost": vhost
export: "/priority"
//FIXME: The code below can end up not finding an available prio
// Better to exclude the existing allocated priorities from the random sequence
code: #"""
if [ -s /inputs/vhost ]; then
# We passed a vhost as input, try to recycle priority from previously allocated vhost
vhost="$(cat /inputs/vhost)"
priority=$(aws elbv2 describe-rules \
--listener-arn "$(cat /inputs/listenerArn)" | \
jq -r --arg vhost "$vhost" '.Rules[] | select(.Conditions[].HostHeaderConfig.Values[] == $vhost) | .Priority')
if [ -n "${priority}" ]; then
echo -n "${priority}" > /priority
exit 0
# Grab a priority random from 1-50k and check if available, retry 10 times if none available
for i in {1..10}
p=$(shuf -i 1-50000 -n 1)
# Find the next priority available that we can allocate
aws elbv2 describe-rules \
--listener-arn "$(cat /inputs/listenerArn)" \
| jq -e "select(.Rules[].Priority == \"${p}\") | true" && continue
if [ "${priority}" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Error: cannot determine a Rule priority"
exit 1
echo -n "${priority}" > /priority
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
package rds
import (
#CreateDB: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// DB name
name: string
// ARN of the database instance
dbArn: string
// ARN of the database secret (for connecting via rds api)
secretArn: string
dbType: "mysql" | "postgres"
// Name of the DB created
out: string
aws.#Script & {
"config": config
files: {
"/inputs/name": name
"/inputs/db_arn": dbArn
"/inputs/secret_arn": secretArn
"/inputs/db_type": dbType
export: "/db_created"
code: #"""
set +o pipefail
dbType="$(cat /inputs/db_type)"
echo "dbType: $dbType"
sql="CREATE DATABASE \`$(cat /inputs/name)\`"
if [ "$dbType" = postgres ]; then
sql="CREATE DATABASE \"$(cat /inputs/name)\""
aws rds-data execute-statement \
--resource-arn "$(cat /inputs/db_arn)" \
--secret-arn "$(cat /inputs/secret_arn)" \
--sql "$sql" \
--database "$dbType" \
--no-include-result-metadata \
|& tee /tmp/out
if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
cat /tmp/out
grep -q "database exists\|already exists" /tmp/out
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit $exit_code
cp /inputs/name /db_created
#CreateUser: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// Username
username: dagger.#Secret
// Password
password: dagger.#Secret
// ARN of the database instance
dbArn: string
// ARN of the database secret (for connecting via rds api)
secretArn: string
grantDatabase: string | *""
dbType: "mysql" | "postgres"
// Outputed username
out: string
aws.#Script & {
"config": config
files: {
"/inputs/username": username
"/inputs/password": password
"/inputs/db_arn": dbArn
"/inputs/secret_arn": secretArn
"/inputs/grant_database": grantDatabase
"/inputs/db_type": dbType
export: "/username"
code: #"""
set +o pipefail
dbType="$(cat /inputs/db_type)"
echo "dbType: $dbType"
sql="CREATE USER '$(cat /inputs/username)'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$(cat /inputs/password)'"
if [ "$dbType" = postgres ]; then
sql="CREATE USER \"$(cat /inputs/username)\" WITH PASSWORD '$(cat /inputs/password)'"
aws rds-data execute-statement \
--resource-arn "$(cat /inputs/db_arn)" \
--secret-arn "$(cat /inputs/secret_arn)" \
--sql "$sql" \
--database "$dbType" \
--no-include-result-metadata \
|& tee tmp/out
if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then
cat tmp/out
grep -q "Operation CREATE USER failed for\|ERROR" tmp/out
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit $exit_code
cp /inputs/username /username
sql="SET PASSWORD FOR '$(cat /inputs/username)'@'%' = PASSWORD('$(cat /inputs/password)')"
if [ "$dbType" = postgres ]; then
sql="ALTER ROLE \"$(cat /inputs/username)\" WITH PASSWORD '$(cat /inputs/password)'"
aws rds-data execute-statement \
--resource-arn "$(cat /inputs/db_arn)" \
--secret-arn "$(cat /inputs/secret_arn)" \
--sql "$sql" \
--database "$dbType" \
sql="GRANT ALL ON \`$(cat /inputs/grant_database)\`.* to '$(cat /inputs/username)'@'%'"
if [ "$dbType" = postgres ]; then
sql="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE \"$(cat /inputs/grant_database)\" to \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLES TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SEQUENCES TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\"; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO \"$(cat /inputs/username)\";"
if [ -s /inputs/grant_database ]; then
aws rds-data execute-statement \
--resource-arn "$(cat /inputs/db_arn)" \
--secret-arn "$(cat /inputs/secret_arn)" \
--sql "$sql" \
--database "$dbType" \
#Instance: {
// AWS Config
config: aws.#Config
// ARN of the database instance
dbArn: string
// DB hostname
hostname: info.hostname
// DB port
port: info.port
info: {
hostname: string
port: int
info: json.Unmarshal(out)
out: string
aws.#Script & {
"config": config
files: "/inputs/db_arn": dbArn
export: "/out"
code: #"""
db_arn="$(cat /inputs/db_arn)"
data=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters --filters "Name=db-cluster-id,Values=$db_arn" )
echo "$data" | jq -r '.DBClusters[].Endpoint' > /tmp/out
echo "$data" | jq -r '.DBClusters[].Port' >> /tmp/out
cat /tmp/out | jq -sR 'split("\n") | {hostname: .[0], port: (.[1] | tonumber)}' > /out
@ -9,11 +9,17 @@ import (
remote: string
remote: string
ref: string
ref: string
subdir: string | *""
#up: [
#up: [
op.#FetchGit & {
op.#FetchGit & {
"remote": remote
"remote": remote
"ref": ref
"ref": ref
if subdir != "" {
op.#Subdir & {
dir: subdir
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package react
package react
import (
import (
// A ReactJS application
// A ReactJS application
@ -11,6 +13,13 @@ import (
// Application source code
// Application source code
source: dagger.#Artifact
source: dagger.#Artifact
// Environment variables
env: [string]: string
// Write the contents of `environment` to this file,
// in the "envfile" format.
writeEnvFile: string | *""
// Yarn-specific settings
// Yarn-specific settings
yarn: {
yarn: {
// Read build output from this directory
// Read build output from this directory
@ -20,47 +29,49 @@ import (
// Run this yarn script
// Run this yarn script
script: string | *"build"
script: string | *"build"
setup: [
"mkdir -p /cache/yarn",
// Build the application in a container, using yarn
build: #up: [
build: docker.#Container & {
op.#Load & {
image: alpine.#Image & {
from: alpine.#Image & {
package: bash: "=~5.1"
package: bash: "=~5.1"
package: yarn: "=~1.22"
package: yarn: "=~1.22"
dir: "/src"
command: """
op.#Exec & {
yarn install --production false
mv "$YARN_BUILD_DIRECTORY" \(outputDir)
volume: {
src: {
from: source
dest: "/src"
// yarnCache: {
// type: "cache"
// dest: "/cache/yarn"
// }
outputDir: "/build"
shell: {
path: "/bin/bash"
args: [
args: [
"-eo", "pipefail",
[ -n "$ENVFILE_NAME" ] && echo "$ENVFILE" > "$ENVFILE_NAME"
yarn install --production false
if env != _|_ {
"env": env
env: {
"env": {
YARN_BUILD_SCRIPT: yarn.script
YARN_BUILD_SCRIPT: yarn.script
YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: "/cache/yarn"
YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: "/cache/yarn"
if writeEnvFile != "" {
ENVFILE_NAME: writeEnvFile
ENVFILE: strings.Join([ for k, v in env {"\(k)=\(v)"}], "\n")
dir: "/src"
mount: {
"/src": from: source
"/cache/yarn": "cache"
op.#Subdir & {
dir: "/build"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package netlify
import (
import (
// A Netlify account
// A Netlify account
@ -42,34 +42,28 @@ import (
// Logs URL for this deployment
// Logs URL for this deployment
logsUrl: string
logsUrl: string
// Deployment container
#up: [
#deploy: docker.#Container & {
op.#Load & {
image: alpine.#Image & {
from: alpine.#Image & {
package: {
package: bash: "=~5.1"
bash: "=~5.1"
package: jq: "=~1.6"
jq: "=~1.6"
package: curl: "=~7.74"
curl: "=~7.74"
package: yarn: "=~1.22"
yarn: "=~1.22"
setup: [
op.#Exec & {
"yarn global add netlify-cli@2.47.0",
args: ["yarn", "global", "add", "netlify-cli@2.47.0"]
shell: {
op.#Exec & {
path: "/bin/bash"
args: [
args: [
dir: "/src"
volume: "contents": {
dest: "/src"
from: contents
env: {
env: {
if (create) {
if (create) {
@ -81,13 +75,12 @@ import (
NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN: account.token
NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN: account.token
export: {
dir: "/src"
mount: "/src": from: contents
op.#Export & {
source: "/output.json"
source: "/output.json"
format: "json"
format: "json"
// FIXME: this is a hack to use docker.#Container while exporting
// values.
#up: #deploy.#up
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package netlify
package netlify
#Site: #deploy: command: #"""
#code: #"""
create_site() {
create_site() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user