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// This is the source of truth for the DESIRED STATE of the dagger command-line user interface (UI)
// - The CLI implementation is written manually, using this document as a spec. If you spot
// a discrepancy between the spec and implementation, please report it or even better,
// submit a patch to the implementation.
// - To propose changes to the UI, submit a patch to this spec. Patches to the CLI implementation
// which don't match the spec will be rejected.
// - It is OK to propose changes to the CLI spec before an implementation is ready. To speed up
// development, we tolerate a lag between the spec and implementation. This may change in the
// future once the project is more mature.
package spec
import (
// Examples:
// cue eval --out text
// cue eval --out text -e '#Dagger.command.query.usage'
#Dagger: #Command & {
name: "dagger"
description: "A system for application delivery as code (ADC)"
doc: """
Every dagger command is applied to a route. A route is a complete delivery environment with its own layout, inputs and outputs.
The same application can be delivered in different configurations using different routes.
For example, an application may have a "production" route, staging routes for QA, and experimental development routes.
If a route is not specified, dagger auto-selects one as follows:
* If exactly one route is connected to the current directory, the command proceeds automatically.
* If more than one route matches, the user is prompted to select one.
* If no route matches, the command returns an error.
flag: {
"--route": {
alt: "-r"
description: "Select a route"
arg: "NAME"
"--log-format": {
arg: "string"
description: "Log format (json, pretty). Defaults to json if the terminal is not a tty"
"--log-level": {
alt: "-l"
arg: "string"
description: "Log level"
default: "debug"
command: {
new: {
description: "Create a new route"
flag: {
"--name": {
alt: "-n"
description: "Specify a route name"
default: "name of current directory"
"--layout-dir": description: "Load layout from a local directory"
"--layout-git": description: "Load layout from a git repository"
"--layout-package": description: "Load layout from a cue package"
"--layout-file": description: "Load layout from a cue or json file"
"--up": {
alt: "-u"
description: "Bring the route online"
"--setup": {
arg: "no|yes|auto"
description: "Specify whether to prompt user for initial setup"
list: description: "List available routes"
query: {
arg: "[EXPR] [flags]"
description: "Query the contents of a route"
EXPR may be any valid CUE expression. The expression is evaluated against the route contents. The route is not changed.
# Print all contents of the layout and input layers (omit output)
$ dagger query -l input,layout
# Print complete contents for a particular component
$ dagger query
# Print the URL of a deployed service
$ dagger query api.url
# Export environment variables from a deployment
$ dagger query -f json api.environment
flag: {
// FIXME: confusing flag choice?
// Use --revision or --change or --change-id instead?
"--version": {
alt: "-v"
description: "Query a specific version of the route"
default: "latest"
"--format": {
alt: "-f"
description: "Output format"
arg: "json|yaml|cue|text|env"
"--layer": {
alt: "-l"
description: """
Comma-separated list of layers to query (any of "input", "layout", "output")
default: "all"
up: {
description: "Bring a route online with latest layout and inputs"
flag: "--no-cache": description: "Disable all run cache"
down: {
description: "Take a route offline (WARNING: may destroy infrastructure)"
flag: "--no-cache": description: "Disable all run cache"
history: description: "List past changes to a route"
delete: {
description: "Delete a route after taking it offline (WARNING: may destroy infrastructure)"
layout: {
description: "Manage a route's layout"
command: {
package: {
description: "Load layout from a cue package"
arg: "PKG"
dagger layout package
dir: {
description: "Load layout from a local directory"
arg: "PATH"
dagger layout dir ./infra/prod
git: {
description: "Load layout from a git repository"
dagger layout git main examples/simple
file: {
description: "Load layout from a cue file"
arg: "PATH|-"
dagger layout file ./layout.cue
echo 'message: "hello, \(name)!", name: string | *"world"' | dagger layout file -
input: {
description: "Manage a route's inputs"
command: {
// FIXME: details of individual input commands
dir: {description: "Add a local directory as input artifact"}
git: description: "Add a git repository as input artifact"
container: description: "Add a container image as input artifact"
value: description: "Add an input value"
secret: description: "Add an encrypted input secret"
output: {
description: "Manage a route's outputs"
// FIXME: bind output values or artifacts
// to local dir or file
// BONUS: bind a route output to another route's input?
login: description: "Login to Dagger Cloud"
logout: description: "Logout from Dagger Cloud"
#Command: {
// Command name
name: string
description: string
doc: string | *""
// Flags
flag: [fl=string]: #Flag & {name: fl}
flag: "--help": {
alt: "-h"
description: "help for \(name)"
// Sub-commands
command: [cmd=string]: #Command & {
name: cmd
arg: string | *"[command]"
usage: {
\(name) \(arg)
Available commands:
#commands: [ for name, cmd in command {
#flags: [ for name, fl in flag {
\(name), \(fl.alt)\t\(fl.description)
#Flag: {
name: string
alt: string | *""
description: string
default?: string
arg?: string
example?: string