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// Yarn is a package manager for Javascript applications
package yarn
import (
#Build: #Run & {
buildDir: *"build" | string
script: *"build" | string
// Run a Yarn command
#Run: {
// Custom name for this command.
// Assign an app-specific name if there are multiple apps in the same plan.
name: string | *""
// App source code
source: dagger.#FS
// Working directory to use
cwd: *"." | string
// Write the contents of `environment` to this file, in the "envfile" format
writeEnvFile: string | *""
// Optional: Read build output from this directory
// Must be relative to working directory, cwd
buildDir?: string
// Yarn script to run for this command.
script: string
// Fix for shadowing issues
let yarnScript = script
// Optional arguments for the script
args: [...string] | *[]
// Secret variables
// FIXME: not implemented. Are they needed?
secrets: [string]: dagger.#Secret
container: #input: docker.#Image | *{
// FIXME: Yarn's version depends on Alpine's version
// Yarn version
// yarnVersion: *"=~1.22" | string
// FIXME: custom base image not supported
alpine.#Build & {
packages: {
bash: {}
yarn: {}
_run: docker.#Build & {
steps: [
docker.#Copy & {
dest: "/src"
contents: source
bash.#Run & {
// FIXME: move shell script to its own file
script: contents: #"""
yarn --cwd "$YARN_CWD" install --production false
mounts: "yarn cache": {
dest: "/cache/yarn"
contents: core.#CacheDir & {
// FIXME: are there character limitations in cache ID?
id: " \(name)"
env: {
YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: "/cache/yarn"
workdir: "/src"
bash.#Run & {
// FIXME: move shell script to its own file
script: contents: #"""
# Create $ENVFILE_NAME file if set
[ -n "$ENVFILE_NAME" ] && echo "$ENVFILE" > "$ENVFILE_NAME"
opts=( $(echo $YARN_ARGS) )
yarn --cwd "$YARN_CWD" run "$YARN_BUILD_SCRIPT" ${opts[@]}
if [ ! -z "${YARN_BUILD_DIRECTORY:-}" ]; then
mkdir /build
mounts: "yarn cache": {
dest: "/cache/yarn"
contents: core.#CacheDir & {
// FIXME: are there character limitations in cache ID?
id: " \(name)"
env: {
YARN_ARGS: strings.Join(args, "\n")
YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: "/cache/yarn"
if buildDir != _|_ {
if writeEnvFile != "" {
ENVFILE_NAME: writeEnvFile
ENVFILE: strings.Join([ for k, v in env {"\(k)=\(v)"}], "\n")
workdir: "/src"
// The final contents of the package after run
_output: core.#Subdir & {
input: _run.output.rootfs
path: "/build"
output: _output.output