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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit -o errtrace -o functrace -o nounset -o pipefail
# Source the lib
readonly d=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$PWD}")" 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && pwd)
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
. "$d/"
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
if grep -q "DAGGER_SECRETS" "$d/test.secret"; then
source "$d/test.secret"
# Point this to your dagger binary
readonly DAGGER_BINARY="${DAGGER_BINARY:-$d/../cmd/dagger/dagger}"
# The default arguments are a no-op, but having "anything" is a little cheat necessary for "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" to not be empty down there
test::examples() {
local dagger="$1"
test::one "Examples: simple" --stdout='{"www":{"listing":"simple.cue\n","source":{}}}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute --input-dir www.source="$d"/../examples/simple "$d"/../examples/simple
test::stdlib() {
local dagger="$1"
test::one "stdlib: alpine" \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/stdlib/alpine
test::one "stdlib: yarn" \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/stdlib/yarn --input-dir TestData="$d"/stdlib/yarn/testdata
test::one "stdlib: go" \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/stdlib/go --input-dir TestData="$d"/stdlib/go/testdata
local dagger="$1"
# Compute: invalid syntax
test::one "Compute: invalid string should fail" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/compute/invalid/string
test::one "Compute: invalid bool should fail" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/compute/invalid/bool
test::one "Compute: invalid int should fail" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/compute/invalid/int
test::one "Compute: invalid struct should fail" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/compute/invalid/struct
# Compute: success
test::one "Compute: noop should succeed" --exit=0 --stdout='{"empty":{}}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/compute/success/noop
test::one "Compute: simple should succeed" --exit=0 --stdout="{}" \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/compute/success/simple
test::one "Compute: overloading #Component should work" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/compute/success/overload/flat
test::one "Compute: overloading #Component should work" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/compute/success/overload/wrapped
local dagger="$1"
test::one "Dependencies: simple direct dependency" --exit=0 --stdout='{"A":{"result":"from A"},"B":{"result":"dependency from A"}}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/dependencies/simple
test::one "Dependencies: interpolation" --exit=0 --stdout='{"A":{"result":"from A"},"B":{"result":"dependency from A"}}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/dependencies/interpolation
test::one "Dependencies: json.Unmarshal" --exit=0 --stdout='{"A":"{\"hello\": \"world\"}\n","B":{"result":"unmarshalled.hello=world"},"unmarshalled":{"hello":"world"}}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/dependencies/unmarshal
local dagger="$1"
# Fetch container
disable test::one "FetchContainer: missing ref (FIXME: distinguish missing inputs from incorrect config)" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-container/invalid
test::one "FetchContainer: non existent container image" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-container/nonexistent/image
test::one "FetchContainer: non existent container tag" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-container/nonexistent/tag
test::one "FetchContainer: non existent container digest" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-container/nonexistent/digest
test::one "FetchContainer: valid containers" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-container/exist
disable test::one "FetchContainer: non existent container image with valid digest (FIXME" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-container/nonexistent/image-with-valid-digest
local dagger="$1"
secret test::one "PushContainer: simple" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/push-container
local dagger="$1"
# Fetch git
test::one "FetchGit: valid" --exit=0 --stdout="{}" \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-git/exist
disable test::one "FetchGit: invalid (FIXME: distinguish missing inputs from incorrect config) " --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-git/invalid
test::one "FetchGit: non existent remote" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-git/nonexistent/remote
test::one "FetchGit: non existent ref" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-git/nonexistent/ref
test::one "FetchGit: non existent bork" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/fetch-git/nonexistent/bork
# Exec
test::one "Exec: invalid" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/invalid
test::one "Exec: error" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/error
test::one "Exec: simple" --exit=0 --stdout={} \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/simple
# XXX should run twice and test that the string "always output" is visible with DOCKER_OUTPUT=1
# Alternatively, use export, but this would test multiple things then...
test::one "Exec: always" --exit=0 --stdout={} \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/always
test::one "Exec: env invalid" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/env/invalid
test::one "Exec: env valid" --exit=0 --stdout={} \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/env/valid
test::one "Exec: env with overlay" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute --input-cue 'bar: "overlay environment"' "$d"/exec/env/overlay
test::one "Exec: non existent dir" --exit=0 --stdout={} \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/dir/doesnotexist
test::one "Exec: valid dir" --exit=0 --stdout={} \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/dir/exist
disable test::one "Exec: exit code propagation (FIXME" --exit=123 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/exit_code
test::one "Exec: script with referenced non-concrete property should not be executed, and should succeed overall" --exit=0 --stdout='{"hello":"world"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/undefined/non_concrete_referenced
# NOTE: the exec is meant to fail - and we test that as a way to confirm it has been executed
test::one "Exec: script with unreferenced undefined properties should be executed" --exit=1 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/undefined/non_concrete_not_referenced
test::one "Exec: package with optional def, not referenced, should be executed" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/undefined/with_pkg_def
test::one "Exec: script with optional prop, not referenced, should be executed" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/undefined/with_pkg_optional
disable test::one "Exec: script with non-optional prop, not referenced, should be executed (FIXME" --exit=1 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/exec/undefined/with_pkg_mandatory
test::one "Export: json" --exit=0 --stdout='{"testMap":{"something":"something"},"testScalar":true}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/json
test::one "Export: string" --exit=0 --stdout='{"test":"something"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/string
test::one "Export: string with additional constraint success" --exit=0 --stdout='{"test":"something"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/withvalidation
test::one "Export: many concurrent" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/concurrency
test::one "Export: does not pass additional validation" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/invalid/validation
test::one "Export: invalid format" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/invalid/format
test::one "Export: invalid path" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/invalid/path
test::one "Export: number" --exit=0 --stdout='{"test":-123.5}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/float
disable test::one "Export: number (FIXME:" --exit=0 --stdout='{"test":-123.5}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/number
test::one "Export: yaml" --exit=0 --stdout='{"testMap":{"something":"something"},"testScalar":true}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/yaml
test::one "Export: bool" --exit=0 --stdout='{"test":true}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/export/bool
test::one "Copy: valid components" --exit=0 --stdout='{"component":{},"test1":"lol","test2":"lol"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/copy/valid/component
test::one "Copy: valid script" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/copy/valid/script
disable test::one "Copy: invalid caching (FIXME" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/copy/invalid/cache
test::one "Load: valid components" --exit=0 --stdout='{"component":{},"test1":"lol","test2":"lol"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/load/valid/component
test::one "Load: valid script" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/load/valid/script
test::one "Load: invalid caching (FIXME" --exit=1 --stdout= \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/load/invalid/cache
disable "" "There are no local tests right now (the feature is possibly not functioning at all: see"
test::one "Mount: tmpfs" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/mounts/valid/tmpfs
test::one "Mount: cache" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/mounts/valid/cache
test::one "Mount: component" --exit=0 --stdout='{"test":"hello world"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/mounts/valid/component
disable test::one "Mount: script (FIXME" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/mounts/valid/script
test::input() {
test::one "Input: missing input should skip execution" --exit=0 --stdout='{}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/input/simple
test::one "Input: simple input" --exit=0 --stdout='{"in":"foobar","test":"received: foobar"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute --input-cue 'in: "foobar"' "$d"/input/simple
test::one "Input: default values" --exit=0 --stdout='{"in":"default input","test":"received: default input"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/input/default
test::one "Input: override default value" --exit=0 --stdout='{"in":"foobar","test":"received: foobar"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute --input-cue 'in: "foobar"' "$d"/input/default
test::subdir() {
test::one "Subdir: simple usage" --exit=0 --stdout='{"hello":"world"}' \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute "$d"/subdir/simple
test::dockerbuild() {
test::one "Docker Build" --exit=0 \
"$dagger" "${DAGGER_BINARY_ARGS[@]}" compute --input-dir TestData="$d"/dockerbuild/testdata "$d"/dockerbuild
local dagger="$1"
test::load "$dagger"
test::mount "$dagger"
test::copy "$dagger"
test::local "$dagger"
test::compute "$dagger"
test::fetchcontainer "$dagger"
test::pushcontainer "$dagger"
test::fetchgit "$dagger"
test::exec "$dagger"
test::export "$dagger"
test::input "$dagger"
test::subdir "$dagger"
test::dockerbuild "$dagger"
test::stdlib "$dagger"
test::examples "$dagger"
case "${1:-all}" in
# Help
echo "Run all known tests:"
echo " ./"
echo "Run a specific cue module with expectations (all flags are optional if you just expect the command to succeed with no output validation:"
echo " ./ cuefolder --exit=1 --stderr=lala --stdout=foo"
# Run all tests
test::all "$DAGGER_BINARY"
# Anything else means a single / custom test
test::one "on demand $1" "$DAGGER_BINARY" compute "$@"