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synced 2025-03-27 17:55:37 +01:00
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198 lines
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use genco::prelude::rust;
use genco::prelude::*;
use graphql_introspection_query::introspection_response::{FullType, FullTypeInputFields, TypeRef};
use crate::predicates::{
is_custom_scalar_type_ref, is_input_object_type, is_list_type, is_required_type_ref,
use super::{utility::render_description, Handler};
pub struct Input;
impl Input {
fn render_input_fields(
input_fields: &Vec<FullTypeInputFields>,
) -> eyre::Result<Option<rust::Tokens>> {
let mut fields: Vec<(String, rust::Tokens)> = vec![];
for field in input_fields.iter() {
Ok(Some(quote! {
$(for (name, field) in fields => pub $name: $field $['\n'] )
fn render_input_field(&self, field: &FullTypeInputFields) -> eyre::Result<rust::Tokens> {
let inner = &field.input_value.type_;
fn render_type_ref(&self, inner: &TypeRef) -> eyre::Result<rust::Tokens> {
let extract_of_type = |t: &TypeRef| -> Option<TypeRef> {
return t.clone().of_type.map(|t| *t);
if !is_required_type_ref(inner) {
if let Some(inner_of_type) = extract_of_type(inner) {
let inner_field = self.render_type_ref(&inner_of_type)?;
return Ok(quote! {
if is_list_type(&inner) {
if let Some(inner_of_type) = extract_of_type(inner) {
let inner_field = self.render_type_ref(&inner_of_type)?;
return Ok(quote! {
if is_custom_scalar_type_ref(&inner) {
if let Some(inner_of_type) = extract_of_type(inner) {
let inner_field = self.render_type_ref(&inner_of_type)?;
return Ok(quote! {
if is_scalar_type_ref(&inner) {
let name = match inner.name.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()) {
Some("ID") => "ID",
Some("Int") => "Int",
Some("String") => "String",
Some("Float") => "Float",
Some("Boolean") => "Boolean",
Some("Date") => "Date",
Some("DateTime") => "DateTime",
Some("Time") => "Time",
Some("Decimal") => "Decimal",
Some(n) => n,
_ => eyre::bail!("missing type in the end of chain"),
return Ok(quote! {
eyre::bail!("could not determine type")
impl Handler for Input {
fn predicate(&self, t: &FullType) -> bool {
fn render(&self, t: &FullType) -> eyre::Result<rust::Tokens> {
let name = t
.ok_or(eyre::anyhow!("could not find name"))?;
let description = render_description(t);
let input = rust::import("dagger_core", "Input");
let fields = match t.input_fields.as_ref() {
Some(i) => self.render_input_fields(i)?,
None => None,
let out = quote! {
$(if description.is_some() => $description)
pub struct $name {
$(if fields.is_some() => $fields)
impl $input for $name {}
mod tests {
use graphql_introspection_query::introspection_response::{
FullType, FullTypeInputFields, InputValue, TypeRef, __TypeKind,
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use crate::handlers::Handler;
use super::Input;
fn can_gen_input() {
let input = Input {};
let t = FullType {
kind: Some(__TypeKind::INPUT_OBJECT),
name: Some("BuildArg".into()),
description: None,
input_fields: Some(vec![
FullTypeInputFields {
input_value: InputValue {
name: "name".into(),
description: None,
type_: TypeRef {
name: None,
kind: Some(__TypeKind::NON_NULL),
of_type: Some(Box::new(TypeRef {
kind: Some(__TypeKind::SCALAR),
name: Some("String".into()),
of_type: None,
default_value: None,
FullTypeInputFields {
input_value: InputValue {
name: "value".into(),
description: None,
type_: TypeRef {
name: None,
kind: Some(__TypeKind::NON_NULL),
of_type: Some(Box::new(TypeRef {
kind: Some(__TypeKind::SCALAR),
name: Some("String".into()),
of_type: None,
default_value: None,
interfaces: None,
enum_values: None,
possible_types: None,
fields: None,
let expected = r#"use dagger_core::Input;
pub struct BuildArg {
pub name: Option<String>
pub value: Option<String>
impl Input for BuildArg {}
let output = input.render(&t).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output.to_file_string().unwrap(), expected);