# dagger-rs A dagger sdk written in rust for rust. ## Disclaimer Work in progress. This is not ready for usage yet ### Status - [x] dagger cli downloader - [x] dagger network session - [ ] graphql rust codegen (User API) - [x] Scalars - [x] Enums - [x] Input - [ ] Objects - [ ] Implement context and querier - [ ] fix build / release cycle - [ ] general api stabilisation - [ ] document usage ## Architecture - `.` Root project mainly used for generating the CLI, which in turn is used to bootstrap the code generation from `dagger` - `crates/dagger-core` Contains all base types used during actual usage. This is where the primary logic lives in which the user interacts (\*disclaimer: most stuff haven't moved in here yet.) - `crates/dagger-sdk` Contains the actual sdk in which the user interacts, `dagger-core` is reexported through this API as well. - `crates/dagger-codegen` This is the bulk of the work, it takes the input graphql and spits out the API in which the user interacts, this is heavily inspired by other `dagger-sdk's`. It primarily turns graphql into rust code.