max_width = 100                         # Maximum width of each line
tab_spaces = 4                          # Number of spaces per tab
indentation_style = "Auto"              # "Tabs", "Spaces" or "Auto"
newline_style = "Auto"                  # "Unix", "Windows" or "Auto"
attr_value_brace_style = "WhenRequired" # "Always", "AlwaysUnlessLit", "WhenRequired" or "Preserve"
macro_names = ["leptos::view", "view"]  # Macro names which will be formatted
closing_tag_style = "Preserve"          # "Preserve", "SelfClosing" or "NonSelfClosing"

# Attribute values can be formatted by custom formatters
# Every attribute name may only select one formatter (this might change later on)
class = "Tailwind" # "Tailwind" is the only attribute value formatter available for now