mod logging; use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::anyhow; use clap::{Args, Parser, Subcommand}; use inquire::validator::Validation; use logging::LogArg; use regex::Regex; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; #[derive(Parser, Clone)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None, subcommand_required = true)] struct Cli { #[command(subcommand)] commands: Commands, #[command(flatten)] global_args: GlobalArgs, } #[derive(Subcommand, Clone)] enum Commands { Generate {}, Init { #[command(subcommand)] commands: Option, }, } #[derive(Subcommand, Clone)] enum InitCommands { Publish {}, } #[derive(Args, Clone)] struct GlobalArgs { #[arg(long, default_value = "none", global = true, help_heading = "Global")] log: LogArg, #[arg( long, default_value = ".crunch.toml", global = true, help_heading = "Global" )] crunch_file: PathBuf, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let cli = Cli::parse(); cli.global_args.log.init_logging(); match &cli.commands { Commands::Generate {} => { let config = config::get_file(&cli.global_args.crunch_file) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow!("failed to load config: {}", e))? .get_config() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("invalid config: {}", e))?; tracing::info!("generating crunch code"); let codegen = crunch_codegen::Codegen::new(); if let Some(publish) = config.publish { for p in &publish { let mut rel_schema_path = PathBuf::from(&p.schema_path); let mut rel_output_path = PathBuf::from(&p.output_path); if let Some(dir_path) = cli.global_args.crunch_file.parent() { rel_schema_path = dir_path.join(rel_schema_path); rel_output_path = dir_path.join(rel_output_path); } codegen .generate_rust(&rel_schema_path, &rel_output_path) .await?; println!("success: generated crunch {}", &rel_output_path.display()); } } } Commands::Init { commands: Some(commands), } => match commands { InitCommands::Publish {} => { match config::get_file(&cli.global_args.crunch_file).await { Err(_) => { anyhow::bail!( "config file not found: {}", &cli.global_args .crunch_file .canonicalize() .unwrap_or(cli.global_args.crunch_file) .display() ) } Ok(mut config) => { let schema_path = inquire::Text::new("schema_path") .with_help_message( "please select where you want your schema files to be placed", ) .with_default("schemas/crunch") .prompt()?; let output_path = inquire::Text::new("output_path") .with_help_message( "please select where you want your generated files to be placed", ) .with_default("src/gencrunch") .prompt()?; let entity = inquire::Text::new("entity") .with_help_message("please set which entity you want to publish for") .with_placeholder("some-entity") .prompt_skippable()?; if let Some(entity) = entity { let config = config.add_publish(&schema_path, &output_path, &[&entity]); config.write_file(&cli.global_args.crunch_file).await?; let schema_output_path = cli .global_args .crunch_file .parent() .unwrap_or(&PathBuf::from("")) .join(&schema_path) .join(format!("{}.proto", entity)); if let Some(dir) = schema_output_path.parent() { if !dir.exists() { tokio::fs::create_dir_all(dir).await?; } } let config = config.get_config()?; let mut schema_file = tokio::fs::File::create(schema_output_path).await?; schema_file .write_all( format!( r#"syntax = "proto3"; package {}.{}; message MyEvent {{ string my_field = 1; }} "#, config.service.domain, entity ) .as_bytes(), ) .await?; } let output_path = if let Some(dir) = &cli.global_args.crunch_file.parent() { if dir.display().to_string() == "" { format!("{schema_path}") } else { format!( "{}/{}", dir.display().to_string().trim_end_matches("/"), schema_path.trim_start_matches("/") ) } } else { format!("{schema_path}") }; println!("Success: added publish, check schema at: {output_path}"); } } } }, Commands::Init { commands: None } => { match config::get_file(&cli.global_args.crunch_file).await { Ok(_) => anyhow::bail!("config file already exists"), Err(_) => {} } let path = &cli.global_args.crunch_file; let file_name = path .file_name() .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("not a valid file name"))?; if file_name != ".crunch.toml" { anyhow::bail!("--crunch-file always has to end with file: .crunch.toml"); } if let Some(dir) = path.parent() { if !dir.exists() { tokio::fs::create_dir_all(dir).await?; } } fn validate_text( text: &str, ) -> Result> { let regex = Regex::new("^[a-z0-9-_]+$").expect("is required to be valid regex"); if regex.is_match(text) { Ok(Validation::Valid) } else { Ok(Validation::Invalid( "a service name can only contain lowercase letter, numbers, - and _".into(), )) } } let service = inquire::Text::new("service") .with_help_message("please insert your service name") .with_validator(validate_text) .prompt()?; let domain = inquire::Text::new("domain") .with_help_message("please insert your domain") .with_validator(validate_text) .prompt()?; let codegen = inquire::MultiSelect::new("codegen", vec!["rust", "go"]) .with_help_message("which types of client code should be generated for you?") .prompt()?; let mut crunch_file = tokio::fs::File::create(path).await?; crunch_file .write_all( format!( r#"[service] service = "{service}" domain = "{domain}" codegen = [{}] "#, codegen .iter() .map(|c| format!(r#""{c}""#)) .collect::>() .join(", ") ) .as_bytes(), ) .await?; println!("Success! generated file at: {}", path.display()); } } Ok(()) } mod config { pub async fn get_file(path: &std::path::Path) -> anyhow::Result { let file = crunch_file::File::parse_file(path).await?; Ok(file) } }