# The name used by wasm-bindgen/cargo-leptos for the JS/WASM bundle. Defaults to the crate name
# The site root folder is where cargo-leptos generate all output. WARNING: all content of this folder will be erased on a rebuild. Use it in your server setup.
# The site-root relative folder where all compiled output (JS, WASM and CSS) is written
# Defaults to pkg
# [Optional] The source CSS file. If it ends with .sass or .scss then it will be compiled by dart-sass into CSS. The CSS is optimized by Lightning CSS before being written to <site-root>/<site-pkg>/app.css
# Assets source dir. All files found here will be copied and synchronized to site-root.
# The assets-dir cannot have a sub directory with the same name/path as site-pkg-dir.
# Optional. Env: LEPTOS_ASSETS_DIR.
# The IP and port (ex: where the server serves the content. Use it in your server setup.