#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Configuration APP_NAME="churn" APP_VERSION="latest" # or specify a version S3_BUCKET="rust-artifacts" BINARY_NAME="churn" SERVICE_NAME="${APP_NAME}.service" INSTALL_DIR="/usr/local/bin" CONFIG_DIR="/etc/${APP_NAME}" CHURN_DISCOVERY="https://churn.prod.kjuulh.app" # Colors for output RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Check if running as root if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${RED}Please run as root${NC}" exit 1 fi # Create necessary directories echo "Creating directories..." mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}" mkdir -p "${CONFIG_DIR}" # Download binary from S3 echo "Downloading binary..." curl -L -s "https://api-minio.front.kjuulh.io/${S3_BUCKET}/releases/${APP_NAME}/${APP_VERSION}/${BINARY_NAME}" -o "${INSTALL_DIR}/${BINARY_NAME}" # Make binary executable chmod +x "${INSTALL_DIR}/${BINARY_NAME}" echo "Starting churn agent setup..." set +e res=$(churn agent setup --discovery "${CHURN_DISCOVERY}" 2>&1) set -e exit_code=$? if [[ $exit_code != 0 ]]; then if [[ "$res" != *"config file already exists"* ]] && [[ "$res" != *"already exists"* ]]; then echo "Error detected: $res" exit 1 else echo "Ignoring setup 'agent is already setup'" fi fi # Create systemd service file echo "Creating systemd service..." cat > "/etc/systemd/system/${SERVICE_NAME}" << EOF [Unit] Description=${APP_NAME} service After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=root Group=root ExecStart=${INSTALL_DIR}/${BINARY_NAME} agent start Restart=always RestartSec=10 Environment=RUST_LOG=info [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF # Reload systemd and enable service echo "Configuring systemd service..." systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable "${SERVICE_NAME}" systemctl start "${SERVICE_NAME}" # Check service status if systemctl is-active --quiet "${SERVICE_NAME}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}Installation successful! ${APP_NAME} is running.${NC}" echo "You can check the status with: systemctl status ${SERVICE_NAME}" else echo -e "${RED}Installation completed but service failed to start. Check logs with: journalctl -u ${SERVICE_NAME}${NC}" exit 1 fi