use anyhow::Context; use futures::StreamExt; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use tokio::sync::Mutex; use wasmtime::component::*; use wasmtime::{Config, Engine, Store}; use wasmtime_wasi::{WasiCtx, WasiCtxBuilder, WasiView}; wasmtime::component::bindgen!({ path: "wit/world.wit", world: "churn", async: true }); #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PluginStore { inner: Arc>, } impl PluginStore { pub fn new() -> anyhow::Result { Ok(Self { inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(InnerPluginStore::new()?)), }) } pub async fn id(&self, plugin: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let mut inner = self.inner.lock().await; } pub async fn execute(&self, plugin: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut inner = self.inner.lock().await; inner.execute(plugin).await } } pub struct InnerPluginStore { store: wasmtime::Store, linker: wasmtime::component::Linker, engine: wasmtime::Engine, } impl InnerPluginStore { pub fn new() -> anyhow::Result { let mut config = Config::default(); config.wasm_component_model(true); config.async_support(true); let engine = Engine::new(&config)?; let mut linker: wasmtime::component::Linker = Linker::new(&engine); // Add the command world (aka WASI CLI) to the linker wasmtime_wasi::add_to_linker_async(&mut linker).context("Failed to link command world")?; let wasi_view = ServerWasiView::new(); let store = Store::new(&engine, wasi_view); Ok(Self { store, linker, engine, }) } pub async fn id(&mut self, plugin: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let plugin = self.ensure_plugin(plugin).await?; plugin .interface0 .call_id(&mut .await .context("Failed to call add function") } pub async fn execute(&mut self, plugin: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let plugin = self.ensure_plugin(plugin).await?; plugin .interface0 .call_execute(&mut .await .context("Failed to call add function") } async fn ensure_plugin(&mut self, plugin: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let cache = dirs::cache_dir() .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("failed to find cache dir"))? .join("io.kjuulh.churn"); let (plugin_name, plugin_version) = plugin.split_once("@").unwrap_or((plugin, "latest")); let plugin_path = cache .join("plugins") .join(plugin_name) .join(plugin_version) .join(format!("{plugin_name}.wasm")); let no_cache: bool = std::env::var("CHURN_NO_CACHE") .unwrap_or("false".into()) .parse()?; if !plugin_path.exists() || no_cache { tracing::info!( plugin_name = plugin_name, plugin_version = plugin_version, "downloading plugin" ); if let Some(parent) = plugin_path.parent() { tokio::fs::create_dir_all(parent).await?; } let req = reqwest::get(format!("{plugin_name}/{plugin_version}/{plugin_name}.wasm")).await.context("failed to get plugin from registry")?; let mut stream = req.bytes_stream(); let mut file = tokio::fs::File::create(&plugin_path).await?; while let Some(chunk) = { let chunk = chunk?; file.write_all(&chunk).await?; } file.flush().await?; } let component = Component::from_file(&self.engine, plugin_path).context("Component file not found")?; tracing::debug!( plugin_name = plugin_name, plugin_version = plugin_version, "instantiating plugin" ); let instance = Churn::instantiate_async(&mut, &component, &self.linker) .await .context("Failed to instantiate the example world")?; Ok(instance) } } struct ServerWasiView { table: ResourceTable, ctx: WasiCtx, } impl ServerWasiView { fn new() -> Self { let table = ResourceTable::new(); let ctx = WasiCtxBuilder::new().inherit_stdio().build(); Self { table, ctx } } } impl WasiView for ServerWasiView { fn table(&mut self) -> &mut ResourceTable { &mut self.table } fn ctx(&mut self) -> &mut WasiCtx { &mut self.ctx } }