use domain::{Event, Image}; use inquire::validator::ValueRequiredValidator; use regex::Regex; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); color_eyre::install()?; let cli = clap::Command::new("biteme") .subcommand(clap::Command::new("generate").subcommand(clap::Command::new("article"))); let args = std::env::args(); let matches = cli.get_matches_from(args); match matches.subcommand() { Some(("generate", subm)) => match subm.subcommand() { Some(("article", _subm)) => { generate_article().await?; } _ => panic!("command not valid"), }, _ => panic!("command not valid"), } Ok(()) } async fn generate_article() -> eyre::Result<()> { let name = inquire::Text::new("What are you going to eat?") .with_validator(ValueRequiredValidator::default()) .prompt()?; let description = inquire::Editor::new("Do you want to provide a description?") .prompt_skippable()? .and_then(|ci| if ci == "" { None } else { Some(ci) }); let time = inquire::DateSelect::new("When is the event?") .with_min_date(chrono::Local::now().date_naive()) .prompt()?; let cover_image = inquire::Text::new("Do you have a picture for it?") .prompt_skippable()? .and_then(|ci| if ci == "" { None } else { Some(ci) }); let cover_alt = if let Some(_) = cover_image { Some( inquire::Text::new("Do you have a description for the image?") .with_validator(ValueRequiredValidator::default()) .prompt()?, ) } else { None }; let prepared_name = name.replace(" ", "-"); let prepared_name = prepared_name.replace("--", "-"); let prepared_name = prepared_name.trim_matches('-'); let re = Regex::new(r"[a-zA-Z-_0-9]*")?; let name_slug = re .find_iter(&prepared_name) .map(|n| n.as_str()) .collect::>(); let name_slug = name_slug.join(""); let slug = format!("{}-{}", time.format("%Y-%m-%d"), name_slug.to_lowercase()); let event = Event { id: uuid::Uuid::new_v4(), cover_image:|(image, alt)| Image { id: uuid::Uuid::new_v4(), url: image, alt, metadata: None, }), name, description: description.clone(), time, recipe_id: None, images: Vec::new(), metadata: None, }; let contents = serde_yaml::to_string(&event)?; let contents = format!( "--- {}--- {}", contents, description.unwrap_or("".into()) ); tokio::fs::write(format!("articles/events/{}.md", slug), contents).await?; Ok(()) }