commit e5b46e59343e237aaac511f1e23d8185d36359bc Author: kjuulh Date: Thu Oct 13 13:48:14 2022 +0200 Add base setup diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4de0df --- /dev/null +++ b/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +-- AstroNvim Configuration Table +-- All configuration changes should go inside of the table below + +-- You can think of a Lua "table" as a dictionary like data structure the +-- normal format is "key = value". These also handle array like data structures +-- where a value with no key simply has an implicit numeric key +local config = { + + -- Configure AstroNvim updates + updater = { + remote = "origin", -- remote to use + channel = "nightly", -- "stable" or "nightly" + version = "latest", -- "latest", tag name, or regex search like "v1.*" to only do updates before v2 (STABLE ONLY) + branch = "main", -- branch name (NIGHTLY ONLY) + commit = nil, -- commit hash (NIGHTLY ONLY) + pin_plugins = nil, -- nil, true, false (nil will pin plugins on stable only) + skip_prompts = false, -- skip prompts about breaking changes + show_changelog = true, -- show the changelog after performing an update + auto_reload = false, -- automatically reload and sync packer after a successful update + auto_quit = false, -- automatically quit the current session after a successful update + -- remotes = { -- easily add new remotes to track + -- ["remote_name"] = "https://remote_url.come/repo.git", -- full remote url + -- ["remote2"] = "github_user/repo", -- GitHub user/repo shortcut, + -- ["remote3"] = "github_user", -- GitHub user assume AstroNvim fork + -- }, + }, + + -- Set colorscheme to use + colorscheme = "tokyonight", + + -- Add highlight groups in any theme + highlights = { + -- init = { -- this table overrides highlights in all themes + -- Normal = { bg = "#000000" }, + -- } + -- duskfox = { -- a table of overrides/changes to the duskfox theme + -- Normal = { bg = "#000000" }, + -- }, + }, + + -- set vim options here (vim.. = value) + options = { + opt = { + -- set to true or false etc. + relativenumber = true, -- sets vim.opt.relativenumber + number = true, -- sets vim.opt.number + spell = false, -- sets vim.opt.spell + signcolumn = "auto", -- sets vim.opt.signcolumn to auto + wrap = false, -- sets vim.opt.wrap + }, + g = { + mapleader = " ", -- sets vim.g.mapleader + cmp_enabled = true, -- enable completion at start + autopairs_enabled = true, -- enable autopairs at start + diagnostics_enabled = true, -- enable diagnostics at start + status_diagnostics_enabled = true, -- enable diagnostics in statusline + }, + }, + -- If you need more control, you can use the function()...end notation + -- options = function(local_vim) + -- local_vim.opt.relativenumber = true + -- local_vim.g.mapleader = " " + -- local_vim.opt.whichwrap = vim.opt.whichwrap - { 'b', 's' } -- removing option from list + -- local_vim.opt.shortmess = vim.opt.shortmess + { I = true } -- add to option list + -- + -- return local_vim + -- end, + + -- Set dashboard header + header = { + " █████ ███████ ████████ ██████ ██████", + "██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██", + "███████ ███████ ██ ██████ ██ ██", + "██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██", + "██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██████", + " ", + " ███  ██ ██  ██ ██ ███  ███", + " ████  ██ ██  ██ ██ ████  ████", + " ██ ██  ██ ██  ██ ██ ██ ████ ██", + " ██  ██ ██  ██  ██  ██ ██  ██  ██", + " ██   ████   ████   ██ ██      ██", + }, + + -- Default theme configuration + default_theme = { + -- Modify the color palette for the default theme + colors = { + fg = "#abb2bf", + bg = "#1e222a", + }, + highlights = function(hl) -- or a function that returns a new table of colors to set + local C = require "default_theme.colors" + + hl.Normal = { fg = C.fg, bg = } + + -- New approach instead of diagnostic_style + hl.DiagnosticError.italic = true + hl.DiagnosticHint.italic = true + hl.DiagnosticInfo.italic = true + hl.DiagnosticWarn.italic = true + + return hl + end, + -- enable or disable highlighting for extra plugins + plugins = { + aerial = true, + beacon = false, + bufferline = true, + dashboard = true, + highlighturl = true, + hop = false, + indent_blankline = true, + lightspeed = false, + ["neo-tree"] = true, + notify = true, + ["nvim-tree"] = false, + ["nvim-web-devicons"] = true, + rainbow = true, + symbols_outline = false, + telescope = true, + vimwiki = false, + ["which-key"] = true, + }, + }, + + -- Diagnostics configuration (for vim.diagnostics.config({...})) when diagnostics are on + diagnostics = { + virtual_text = true, + underline = true, + }, + + -- Extend LSP configuration + lsp = { + -- enable servers that you already have installed without mason + servers = { + -- "pyright" + }, + formatting = { + format_on_save = true, -- enable or disable auto formatting on save + disabled = { -- disable formatting capabilities for the listed clients + -- "sumneko_lua", + }, + -- filter = function(client) -- fully override the default formatting function + -- return true + -- end + }, + -- easily add or disable built in mappings added during LSP attaching + mappings = { + n = { + -- ["lf"] = false -- disable formatting keymap + }, + }, + -- add to the global LSP on_attach function + -- on_attach = function(client, bufnr) + -- end, + + -- override the mason server-registration function + -- server_registration = function(server, opts) + -- require("lspconfig")[server].setup(opts) + -- end, + + -- Add overrides for LSP server settings, the keys are the name of the server + ["server-settings"] = { + -- example for addings schemas to yamlls + -- yamlls = { -- override table for require("lspconfig").yamlls.setup({...}) + -- settings = { + -- yaml = { + -- schemas = { + -- [""] = ".github/workflows/*.{yml,yaml}", + -- [""] = ".github/action.{yml,yaml}", + -- [""] = "roles/tasks/*.{yml,yaml}", + -- }, + -- }, + -- }, + -- }, + }, + }, + + -- Mapping data with "desc" stored directly by vim.keymap.set(). + -- + -- Please use this mappings table to set keyboard mapping since this is the + -- lower level configuration and more robust one. (which-key will + -- automatically pick-up stored data by this setting.) + mappings = { + -- first key is the mode + n = { + -- second key is the lefthand side of the map + -- mappings seen under group name "Buffer" + ["bb"] = { "tabnew", desc = "New tab" }, + ["bc"] = { "BufferLinePickClose", desc = "Pick to close" }, + ["bj"] = { "BufferLinePick", desc = "Pick to jump" }, + ["bt"] = { "BufferLineSortByTabs", desc = "Sort by tabs" }, + -- quick save + -- [""] = { ":w!", desc = "Save File" }, -- change description but the same command + }, + t = { + -- setting a mapping to false will disable it + -- [""] = false, + }, + }, + + -- Configure plugins + plugins = { + init = { + { + "nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim", + after = "telescope.nvim", + config = function() require("telescope").load_extension "file_browser" end, + }, + + { + "ahmedkhalf/project.nvim", + after = "telescope.nvim", + config = function() + require("project_nvim").setup { + -- Manual mode doesn't automatically change your root directory, so you have + -- the option to manually do so using `:ProjectRoot` command. + manual_mode = false, + + -- Methods of detecting the root directory. **"lsp"** uses the native neovim + -- lsp, while **"pattern"** uses vim-rooter like glob pattern matching. Here + -- order matters: if one is not detected, the other is used as fallback. You + -- can also delete or rearangne the detection methods. + detection_methods = { "lsp", "pattern" }, + + -- All the patterns used to detect root dir, when **"pattern"** is in + -- detection_methods + patterns = { ".git", "Makefile", "package.json" }, + + -- Table of lsp clients to ignore by name + -- eg: { "efm", ... } + ignore_lsp = {}, + + -- Don't calculate root dir on specific directories + -- Ex: { "~/.cargo/*", ... } + exclude_dirs = {}, + + -- Show hidden files in telescope + show_hidden = false, + + -- When set to false, you will get a message when project.nvim changes your + -- directory. + silent_chdir = true, + + -- What scope to change the directory, valid options are + -- * global (default) + -- * tab + -- * win + scope_chdir = "global", + + -- Path where project.nvim will store the project history for use in + -- telescope + datapath = vim.fn.stdpath "data", + } + require("telescope").load_extension "projects" + end, + }, + { + "pwntester/octo.nvim", + after = "telescope.nvim", + requires = { + "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", + "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", + "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons", + }, + config = function() require("octo").setup() end, + }, + -- You can disable default plugins as follows: + -- ["goolord/alpha-nvim"] = { disable = true }, + + -- You can also add new plugins here as well: + -- Add plugins, the packer syntax without the "use" + -- { "andweeb/presence.nvim" }, + -- { + -- "ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim", + -- event = "BufRead", + -- config = function() + -- require("lsp_signature").setup() + -- end, + -- }, + + -- We also support a key value style plugin definition similar to NvChad: + -- ["ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim"] = { + -- event = "BufRead", + -- config = function() + -- require("lsp_signature").setup() + -- end, + -- }, + }, + -- All other entries override the require("").setup({...}) call for default plugins + ["null-ls"] = function(config) -- overrides `require("null-ls").setup(config)` + -- config variable is the default configuration table for the setup function call + local null_ls = require "null-ls" + + -- Check supported formatters and linters + -- + -- + config.sources = { + -- Set a formatter + null_ls.builtins.formatting.stylua, + null_ls.builtins.formatting.prettier, + null_ls.builtins.formatting.deno_fmt.with { + filetypes = { "markdown" }, + }, + } + return config -- return final config table + end, + treesitter = { -- overrides `require("treesitter").setup(...)` + ensure_installed = { "lua", "rust", "markdown", "typescript", "go" }, + }, + -- use mason-lspconfig to configure LSP installations + ["mason-lspconfig"] = { -- overrides `require("mason-lspconfig").setup(...)` + ensure_installed = { "sumneko_lua", "rust_analyzer", "gopls", "yamlls" }, + }, + -- use mason-null-ls to configure Formatters/Linter installation for null-ls sources + ["mason-null-ls"] = { -- overrides `require("mason-null-ls").setup(...)` + -- ensure_installed = { "prettier", "stylua" }, + }, + }, + + -- LuaSnip Options + luasnip = { + -- Add paths for including more VS Code style snippets in luasnip + vscode_snippet_paths = {}, + -- Extend filetypes + filetype_extend = { + -- javascript = { "javascriptreact" }, + }, + }, + + -- CMP Source Priorities + -- modify here the priorities of default cmp sources + -- higher value == higher priority + -- The value can also be set to a boolean for disabling default sources: + -- false == disabled + -- true == 1000 + cmp = { + source_priority = { + nvim_lsp = 1000, + luasnip = 750, + buffer = 500, + path = 250, + }, + }, + + -- Modify which-key registration (Use this with mappings table in the above.) + ["which-key"] = { + -- Add bindings which show up as group name + register = { + -- first key is the mode, n == normal mode + n = { + -- second key is the prefix, prefixes + [""] = { + -- third key is the key to bring up next level and its displayed + -- group name in which-key top level menu + ["b"] = { name = "Buffer" }, + ["P"] = { "Telescope projects", "projects" }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + + -- This function is run last and is a good place to configuring + -- augroups/autocommands and custom filetypes also this just pure lua so + -- anything that doesn't fit in the normal config locations above can go here + polish = function() + -- Set up custom filetypes + -- vim.filetype.add { + -- extension = { + -- foo = "fooscript", + -- }, + -- filename = { + -- ["Foofile"] = "fooscript", + -- }, + -- pattern = { + -- ["~/%.config/foo/.*"] = "fooscript", + -- }, + -- } + end, +} + +return config