module "kube-hetzner" { source = "kube-hetzner/kube-hetzner/hcloud" hcloud_token = var.hcloud_token public_key = ".keys/" private_key = ".keys/id_ed25519" network_region = "eu-central" # change to `us-east` if location is ash control_plane_nodepools = [ { name = "control-plane-fsn1", server_type = "cpx11", location = "fsn1", labels = [], taints = [], count = 1 }, { name = "control-plane-nbg1", server_type = "cpx11", location = "nbg1", labels = [], taints = [], count = 1 }, { name = "control-plane-hel1", server_type = "cpx11", location = "hel1", labels = [], taints = [], count = 1 } ] agent_nodepools = [ { name = "agent-small1", server_type = "cpx11", location = "fsn1", labels = [], taints = [], count = 1 }, { name = "agent-small2", server_type = "cpx11", location = "nbg1", labels = [], taints = [], count = 1 }, { name = "storage1", server_type = "cpx11", location = "fsn1", labels = [ "" ], taints = [ "server-usage=storage:NoSchedule" ], count = 1 } ] load_balancer_type = "lb11" load_balancer_location = "fsn1" traefik_enabled = true metrics_server_enabled = true automatically_upgrade_k3s = true initial_k3s_channel = "stable" cluster_name = "clank" use_cluster_name_in_node_name = true # Adding extra firewall rules, like opening a port # More info on the format here # extra_firewall_rules = [ # # For Postgres # { # direction = "in" # protocol = "tcp" # port = "5432" # source_ips = ["", "::/0"] # destination_ips = [] # Won't be used for this rule # }, # # To Allow ArgoCD access to resources via SSH # { # direction = "out" # protocol = "tcp" # port = "22" # source_ips = [] # Won't be used for this rule # destination_ips = ["", "::/0"] # } # ] # If you want to configure additional Arguments for traefik, enter them here as a list and in the form of traefik CLI arguments; see # Example: traefik_additional_options = ["--log.level=DEBUG", "--tracing=true"] traefik_additional_options = ["--tracing=true"] enable_cert_manager = true } module "dns" { source = "./modules/cloudflare" api_token = var.cloudflare_api_token zone_id = "9454b35cb1010b9eab9aadf206fdf11f" records = [ { name = "", ip = module.kube-hetzner.load_balancer_public_ipv4 ip_type = "A" }, { name = "*", ip = module.kube-hetzner.load_balancer_public_ipv4 ip_type = "A" } ] }